Well; got my first leopard gecko last week from a big-chain pet store up here in Jersey; and unfortunately decided to return him this evening. Adopted the little guy for 15 bucks from the store; and thing was showing serious signs of possible health problems (no interest in food; watery stools; lethargic; etc.) and I could not bring myself to justify paying 70 - 80 dollars on a vet bill if I purchased the animal for only 15. Hated the fact of taking him bac. Wish I could have done more, but working on a limited budget just did not see it financially feesible to take it to get checked out. I figured if I took him back, the store would take him to get checked out. Will be attending the Repticon event up here in Philly this weekend; and will probably get one from a breeder. I know that sounds horrible; looking to get another since I just returned the one to the store, but if I were to pay more than 15 dollars for one; then would make more sense to me financially to get vet checked. Also; I would probably be able to pretty much gaurantee myself that one comming from a breeder would be better quality healthwise (at least I would hope) or find an older "established" one that isn't just a little baby that needs sooo much caring for. Don't get me wrong by saying that; I would care for it either way; just the babies need much more attention and nurturing. Well; will keep you guys posted and let you know how it goes. BTW; the lady at the pet store who accepted my return even said that the poor thing didn't look right and was extremely too skinny and was apologizing to me up and down for selling a sickly animal to me.