Unsure how much to feed?


New Member
I got my leopard gecko I believe in may of 2012 or around there and when i got him i didn't know how old he was and i posted a picture of him on here and someone estimated that he was about a month old. if that were true, then he would still be a juvenile. he has gotten a whole lot fatter on his entire body since then and he looks pretty big especially compared to when i first got him. anyway, because of this, i don't know how much to feed him because people say oh every other day or so when they're adult but i don't know when that is, he looks like he's almost an adult but i don't know. lately i've been feeding him a whole bunch of mealworms sometimes even up to 17 small ones a day but then the next day he seems very uninterested. idk if i should go to every other day feeding like this or not, when i feed him that much he seems pretty satisfied and not sick or anything, he always seems still hungry so i just keep giving him more. is this bad? i don't know what to do about his feeding situation i'm worried i'm overfeeding him but at the same time i'm scared to go a day without feeding because i'll feel bad. Here is a picture of George. please tell me what you think?


New Member
Glendale, AZ
What a lot of people do is not have a set amount of food to give the gecko, but feed them as much as they will eat in one sitting as juveniles/adults. As for his eating habits, since he is only 5 months old, I would keep offering every day even if he doesn't eat. When mine were babies, (I got them at about three/four months old), they were the same way. Some days they would eat every day for a couple days in a row, and some days they would eat every other day. As long as the gecko is plump and healthy and eating regularly, don't worry if he takes a day off eating every now and then, sometimes they just aren't too interested in food after a big meal :p


New Member
haha ok thank you. yeah that's how i was, i never set an amount i just kept feeding him til he would go hide. but ok, i'll keep that in mind. also, i'm not even sure if that's his real age but it's probably not too bad of a guess. thank you though


New Member
Glendale, AZ
Well if he was around an estimate of a month old when you got him in may, he would be around 5 months old right now, give or take a little :) and you're welcome; like I said, if he's eating fairly regularly and pooping fine and as long as he's a healthy size and weight, then he's fine :)

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