UPDATE: Aurora and Marley one week later! *PICS*


New Member
Yesterday marked one week since I bought Aurora Kelly and Marley Ripple home! (I have a thing with giving middle names so I used their previous names as their middle names. Took all the thinking right out of it, lol). I've also remodeled the cages this week to something more spacious and easier to navigate. I had noticed I had over done Marley's cage with huge dishes and log while Aurora could hardly fit under her log. I also made some new humid hides because the others had an opening that was just too large and not containing the humidity very long. Don't mind all the wetness in the tank. I like to spray the plants every other day to build up more humidity and I over did it just a tad! oops! But it should dry up soon enough.

Before: http://geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=49568

Aurora has been doing GREAT! She eats like a champ and growing like a weed. In just one week I can see her belly is full, her tail is just a tad bit fatter and her chocolate colored skin seems so rich. She's absolutely gorgeous. The girl is going to eat me out of house and home if she continues. She's been eating around 20 small worms both Supers and Mealworms with around 3-4 roaches every other day! She takes the roaches and rips of their legs one by one THEN she eats the body, she's do disgusting! (I'm debating on whether or not I should give her a large super, Hmm). Her poopies are getting bigger and bigger! ugh! I'm happy to say that she seems happy and waits in her dish for me to come home so I can feed her :main_laugh: . Worms and Roaches seem to be the only things that are on her mind! At first she had a very hard time catching her food but she's becoming a pro and hardly ever misses.

Aurora's Mini Gallery:

- Exploring her new digs. I just switched it up a little.

- Her underbelly looks good. I had to do a double take because for a minute I thought I saw EGGS!

- Trying to look innocent while she's a wild woman deep down.

- She's getting HUGE

- Cutest thing I've EVER seen! She was sleeping in the plant and had her head rested on one of the leaves!!! She was knocked out!

- She saw me walk in with a tupperware full of worms.

- Watching me pick out her Supers and Mealies @ 11am!


Marley has been doing better but it's been a small roller coaster. He started the week of great eating and becoming very active then he just stopped and stayed in his hide in the same position for like 2days straight. I honestly thought he had given up and he had become very pale and it didn't appear to be a shedding type of pale but a "I'm sickly" type of pale. After bugging everyone in the chat, PMing Marcia and having two sleepless nights he finally started eating, regaining color and his activity also went up but I don't think he's out of the clear. Through out the week I was examining from a distance and comparing him to Aurora. The way his jaw is formed and the way he walks leads me to believe that he might have MBD or some type of vitamin deficiency :( . And when I went to clean out his cage after the HUGE mess he had made during the week I noticed this big black spot on his tummy. The spot almost takes over all of his middle section which then lead me to believe that he either has a fatty liver or some other internal issues. :( I wasn't happy to discover these things at all because I have all the hope in the world for him but I won't give up until I see that he can no longer take anymore.

He seemed A LOT better this morning even a little fiesty! I woke up and cleaned out the mess in his cage but when I went to take him out of the critter keeper and into the cage he wiped around and tried to bite my thumb, lol. Luckily the stare he gave me was meaner than his bite which felt like absolutely nothingness. I couldn't believe little Marley had just tired to bite me when just a few days ago I thought he had no energy to even move. Anyway I slowly lowered the keeper into his cage and let him walk over my hand and on to the floor of his cage. He did just that and has spent the entire morning exploring, drinking, licking up calcium and EATING! :) He still misses almost every time he tries to catch a worm but he's becoming more persistant and dedicated to catching that one worm if it takes all night to do so. I think those are all pretty good signs even though I think I have to be a little more careful about picking him up next time.

Marley's Mini Gallery:

- In ONE WEEK this is the mess he had made!

- Newly re-done cage. I hope he keeps it this way!

- The not so promising dark spot. It's a little darker in person but it's hard to capture it on camera with the lights.


- I think he's getting a little fatter.

- Right before he tried to use my finger as a chew toy. (See his jaw the the way his legs are bent thats the way he walks without stretching his legs out).

- Exploring. He had just walked over the new humid and was coming down the other side.

- He just finished eating a worm now on his way to get some water!

Thanks everyone for their help! And for Froggz and Snakegirl for sending me small supers and mealies! They have been a great help. And for everyone that I bugged in the chat and PM'd for advice, Thanks!!
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New Member
Great job so far! It appears that both geckos are on the right track to regaining a normal body condition.

I have several concerns however- these are just my observations so please take them with a grain of salt. I haven't read the previous thread, so please forgive me if I'm already repeating questions that have been answered.

Have both geckos been tested for internal parasites? (ie- fecal smear/float etc) If so, what parasites were found and are they currently being treated?

Also, when you first got the male gecko, did he already have "the dark patch" in his mid to cranial abdomen? That is definitely not normal.

You suggested the hypothesis that perhaps he was suffering from mineral or vitamin deficiency. Many times, if animals in the wild are deficient in an essential mineral or vitamin, they will actively pursue them from the environment. (example- geckos ingesting sand for minerals, etc). It appears to me that perhaps the male gecko has ingested some of the coconut fiber bedding in an effort to quickly obtain nutrients that he was lacking. I would recommend closely watching him and observing his bowel movement and fecal matter (check his feces for coconut fiber bedding). Regularly take an "undershot" photo perhaps every 7-10 days to see if the "dark mass" is decreasing in size.

You can also soak him several times a week in lukewarm water to ensure hydration which will also assist him in regular bowel movement. Again, these are just my observations, I could be totally wrong!

Good luck and keep up the great work!



New Member
Have both geckos been tested for internal parasites? (ie- fecal smear/float etc) If so, what parasites were found and are they currently being treated?

- Jon that I know of neither of them were tested for parasites in their previous home and I'm planning to get it done it done. Hopefully soon.

Also, when you first got the male gecko, did he already have "the dark patch" in his mid to cranial abdomen? That is definitely not normal.

- Honestly not sure because it was something I wanted to look at the entire week but when I tried he would fight me when I tried to hold him up long enough to look at it and I didn't want him to fall or hurt himself. But I have been looking at his droppings and they've been normal. The first day they hardly had anything but as the days went by it got better and bigger. He used the bathroom this morning and I saw no signs of Coconut fiber or anything out of the norm.

He has had his nose in the calcium dish damn near all week and I've only seen him kicking up the coconut fiber to make himself comfortable. But I will keep an eye on him.


60 miles south of Chicago
oh, they look GREAT Liz Marie!
For only being with you for a week???
They look FABULOUS!

I, too, would tend to think that he might be ingesting a bit of the cocofiber, but I cannot say for sure.

Thank you so much for doing so well with them!!!


New Member
Thanks You chadbandman and Rebecca.

I'll continue to watch Marley but his droppings are normal and come regularly as he eats. This morning both of them left me NICE BIG presents right under their half logs, ugh. I think Marley was going through that week long settlement period because since I cleaned the cage yesterday he has been very active and eating a lot more. For the past few days he was only eating like 2 worms if at all. Last night he ate most of his worms and woke up this morning at 6 a.m. to finish the rest.

Each time I've stepped into the room since last night he runs to the front of the cage and climbs on his half log. He some how moved the water dish, calcium dish and humid hide over a bite, last night. I honestly don't know how he does it but it's obvious that he doesn't like the way I decorated.


New Member
I also forgot to mention that Marley did his first tail shake the other day, lol. I put down some supers and mealies and he started licking his lips looking really interested. Heput his tail in the air and gave it a little shake then struck the worm. sadly he missed but he kept trying.


New Member
I just can't keep up with Aurora's mouth! 5 Small Supers, 5 large mealworms and 5 1inch nymphs and she's still looking around for MORE!

Marley on the other hand was able to take down 2 1inche nymphs a 3 large mealworms.


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
sounds awesome. just fyi it is possible for geckos to vomit if they eat to much. usually they learn after the first time and its not a big deal.


New Member
HepCatMoe, I believe they do but she hasn't but I tend to cut her at 15 small food items because I get tired, lol. She can learn to wait until the next night.

cj.thomas21, I believe they are. Once that one week mark hit they seem a lot more active. Marley seems to have a really good appetite and actively walking around/climbing, etc.

I can't wait until the month is up! To see how much they change and grow.


New Member
That video was GREAT!
Loved it!

I love how you are working SOOOO much with them.
They really could not have gotten adopted by a better human!!!:main_yes:

Aww Thanks Rebecca! That was really sweet.

When i'm home most of my time is spent on this forum or with my pets they just make my day a little better! And watching Marley gain more and more energy as everyday passes puts a smile on my face. I wouldn't have agreed to take them if I wasn't willing to put in the time to bring them up to their full potential. :)

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