Update on Rocko (9 Month old Leo that was sick a while back)


New Member
In October, I created the following thread on this forum:


Thanks for the tips, comments, advice, and suggestions- it seems like Rocko is doing a whole lot better now. Eating normally, seems to be pooping normally, his tail is nice and plump, etc. I alternate between crickets and mealworms- he seems to like both of them very much. He's pretty active, and hasn't showed any signs of symptoms of whatever it was that he was suffering with in the past.

Here are some pictures:

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c...Gecko 9 Months Old/IMG00976-20110519-2332.jpg

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c...Gecko 9 Months Old/IMG00975-20110519-2331.jpg

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c...Gecko 9 Months Old/IMG00974-20110519-2331.jpg

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c...Gecko 9 Months Old/IMG00973-20110519-2331.jpg

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c...Gecko 9 Months Old/IMG00969-20110519-2329.jpg

I'm pretty sure my Leo is a boy- could this be confirmed from the pictures? From the looks of things, my gecko is looking pretty healthy- what do you all think? I always dust the mealworms and crickets with "Leopard Gecko Calcim Plus (with D3)"- should I be aware of anything else to ensure a healthy gecko?


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