Urbangecko snow leo's



I really like snow leo's. My next project will be to breed some.

Any toutghs on urbangecko snow leo's ?

Im frowning to spend the big bucks to buy a trio of these.


I posted about these before and didn't get much info so I went right to the source. After talking to TUG I feel that this snow line (which they are also refering to as true axanthics) has a lot of potential. Not too mention imo they are by far the nicest snows on the market.

The macks are better only because of their co-dominance. But I will definatly be purchasing a trio if they are still around come income tax return time.

I just picked up a pair of raining red stripes as well as a 100% het from Letkey so that and the Big Mack Super Albinos are my main projects for the year. But I think I may try and sneak in a pair of these snows as well as breeding another TUG snow female to a mack and see what comes of it. Could make for one beautiful lizard.

but if you do pic up a trio definatly let me know how they look in person as ive heard that the pictures look no where near as good as they do in person (which is usually the case.)


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
I have 1 Female Urban Line Snow that I will be breeding this coming season. But, not sure what I am going to breed her too. POssibly a Mack Super Snow, or a Bell Albino, or a normal to make more Urban Line Snows...

So many choices .......

Lost My Setae

I've been eyeballing those Urban snows too. They're quite beautiful. I've kind of been hesitant at purchasing an Urban snow though. It seems like most of the pictures on the availability page are taken when the snows weigh 10-20 grams, whereas the pictures of the sunglows/tangs/tornadoes are taken at 30-40 grams. I'm guessing this has something to do with yellow pigment setting in as they age, as stated in their "click here before purchase" page. I guess you could just ask them to see current pics, but IMO, I wouldn't mind paying a little more for a higher quality snow. You can sort of tell at 10-20 grams which ones are starting to show more yellow than others. I did read somewhere that yellow pigment in snows can set in within the first two years of growth, so then again, it may be the luck of the draw.



New Member
moved from texas to italy
i'm interesting in a cople of their snow too...only for try to see the color mutation during age and for try to see what will born fromthem...
i think is stupid pay a lot for a little little baby...a lot of normal geckos born "white"...pastel born "white" too...
but if you keep that in mind and whant to try to create a breeding program i think they have some nice geckos...
i have so,me xanthic too and i love them...for this reason i whant to try to have 1.1 axanthic (urbang. snow)...


Jeanne said:
I will try to find a picture of her when I first got her

Yup. will wait for this too.

To achive the purest black and white, would urbangecko or mack be more appropriate ?


"For the Gecko Eccentric"
I think the Macks, but not neccesarilly the Snows. The Super Snows are pure black and white, no matter what you do. A "linebred" Snow or Mack, can have some/develop some yellow.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
GroovyGeckos.com said:
I think the Macks, but not neccesarilly the Snows. The Super Snows are pure black and white, no matter what you do. A "linebred" Snow or Mack, can have some/develop some yellow.

I agree, to be 100% positive that a Gecko will be solid Black and White, then you should get a Super Snow (Although, Kelli did have one hatch with a tiny spot of yellow, weird huh)


So your best bet would to breed to super mack ?

As for Urbangecko, the last batch had some Super hypo snow leo for sale.

But they were not what we refer to super. If I understanbd right super was used only to state that they were hypo.

Lost My Setae

camay123 said:
If I understanbd right super was used only to state that they were hypo.

Yeah, super-hypo snows, like the super-hypo in their super-hypo tangerines, but different from super as used in Mack super snows.

Pure white backgrounds on snows look great, but I also like the pinkish hue some of the Urban snows have.

Hope Jeanne still has her old pics of her TUG snow as a baby.:main_cool3:


New Member
moved from texas to italy
hahahahaahahahahahah...i read only now your signature hahahahahahaha

...lost....you are THE BEST :main_thumbsup: :main_laugh: :main_laugh:

...sorry for the OT :main_lipsrsealed:

jeanne....we are wainting for you :main_yes:


New Member
Lost My Setae said:
Yeah, super-hypo snows, like the super-hypo in their super-hypo tangerines, but different from super as used in Mack super snows.
I don't think it's the same. In the tangerines, you call hypo a gecko when it has few spots in the body and super hypo when they have no spots on the body.

TUG team seems to call hypo snow a gecko which spots are a bit faded (looking brown instead of black) and super hypo snow a gecko with few spots in the body (what in tangerines is only hypo).

They also call super hypos the tangerines that have spots in their bodies but, well, they sell heavily spotted tangerine albinos as sunglows.

Some examples:

Hypo tang: http://www.theurbangecko.com/mainpages/available_popups/available_popup_images/30.jpg

Super hypo tang: http://www.theurbangecko.com/mainpages/available_popups/available_popup_images/31.jpg

Hypo snow: http://www.theurbangecko.com/images/collection_pages/snow_page_pops/ss_3.jpg

Super hypo snow: http://www.theurbangecko.com/images/collection_pages/snow_page_pops/whiteout.jpg

Ps: Lost, I LOVE your sign :main_laugh:


"For the Gecko Eccentric"
My New Morph Available in 2008: Diablo El Pollo Loco Man of La Mancha Whey Whey Tanengo Chari Bari Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo

Oh, oh, what does it say? What does it say? LOL

You can PM me if you do not want to post it.

Lost My Setae

Sandra said:
I don't think it's the same. In the tangerines, you call hypo a gecko when it has few spots in the body and super hypo when they have no spots on the body.

TUG team seems to call hypo snow a gecko which spots are a bit faded (looking brown instead of black) and super hypo snow a gecko with few spots in the body (what in tangerines is only hypo).

They also call super hypos the tangerines that have spots in their bodies but, well, they sell heavily spotted tangerine albinos as sunglows.

Yeah, you're right. I was just referring to TUG calling something super vs. when someone mentions Super in Macks, but TUG does seem to define what they call super between their tang and snow lines differently.

I've always just found it easier to think about it in caveman terms:
Super = More


Fire = Warm
Food = Yummy:D

btw: Glad you guys are pumped about about my new morph I'm working on! LOL


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Ok, I found the pictures, they were right here on Geckoforums in the galley.

Here she is when I got her, She was 13 Grams, approx. 2 Months old:



Here is a picture of her now:



Jeanne, have you bred her yet ? if so, to what ? and what were the results ?


New Member
moved from texas to italy
if i remember right jeanne start to breed her soon..
jeanne...do you know if when she was more youngh she was more white?
...look more a line breed snow than a co-dominant bloodline...

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