Urgent help ! Gecko chewing tail.


New Member
Hampshire England
Hi, i wonder if anyone can help! Ive noticed today our leopard gecko Nugget has been biting at the tip of her tail. Its gone fairly flat and very dry. There is no softness to the tip now. There was actually a tiny mark like she had drawn blood.

For now I have put reptile skin drops on the cut to see if this helps but please could someone lend their advice? We are really worried.

Could she be teething or about to shred? She is about 7-8 months old now. I found out she was biting it today when we had her out on our bed for about 5 mins... she was biting at the folds in the quilt and then started biting her tail. We picked her up off the bed in case that was something to do with it. She is eating absolutely fine (boy, what an appetite she has) and drinking her water so I doubt this could be anything to do with it, but obviously im not an expert.

I will be SO grateful if anyone can help. Please please post away.
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New Member
Is there any skin from a previous shed on it? That could be a reason for trying to chew it. Pics would be good too.


New Member
Hampshire England
Ill try to get some pictures tomorrow. She hasnt shed since we've had her. Maybe shes about to ? Before she began nipping at it, it looked smooth and no shed.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Stuck shed is also what I was thinking of as well.

If you could take a minute to answer our care questionaire it would give the membership a lot better idea of how you're keeping your leo and what could be causing the problm.

About your leo:
- Sex
- Age & Weight
- Morph
- How long have you owned your leo
- Where was he/she obtained (ex. Pet store, breeder, wild caught, friend)

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now.
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe.
B) Fecals
- Describe (look any different than normal)
- When was the last time he/she went
C) Problem
- Please briefly descrive the problem and how long it has been going on

A) Enclosure
- Size
- Type (ex. glass tank)
- Type of substrate
- Hides, how many, what kind
B) Heating
- Heat source
- Cage temps (hot side, cool side)
- Method of regulating heat source
- What are you using to measure your temps
- Do you have any lights (describe)
C) Cage mates
- How many (males, females)
- Describe health, or previous problems

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What you're feeding (how often, how much)
- How are you feeding (hand fed, left in dish, ect)
B) Supplements (describe how often)
- What vitamin/minerals are you using (list brands)
- What are you gut loading food with

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