using 55 gallon tank and ??s



I'm new to cresties, but not reptiles. I am getting an adult male in about 2 weeks. I have a 55 gallon tall tank that I want to use. It's got a mirrored back, would cause stress? Would a well sealed styro back hold up to the humidity? I've done the silicone back wall and don't ever want to do that again. :) Would I be able to add him a roommate or two? There's a show soon where I might find one or two if so.
thanks and I know I'll be back with more questions ...


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
The mirroed back really shouldnt bother him, but if you want to make the tank fun using foam is fine so long as it is siliconed well so it doesnt flake off, thats one of the things I hate about exo terra tanks. Now personally I prefer to keep my males and females seperated this way it gives the females a break away from the male. Also QT is important, so you get him 2 weeks from now. Even if you bought a female at the same time, unless they were housed together to start with, I would QT them. If they came from the same house but seperate cages, I would QT them. It is simply in the animals interest to be qt'ed for at leats 60 days before introduction.

And with that point made, be sure you are ready for that comitment. Although a female may only lay 2 eggs, remember that is 2 times 6-8, so you could have up to 16 babies per one female. So now you need extra kritter keepers or tubs, and need to line up homes for all the little ones. And right now it is a tough time to sell, alot of people ar enot buying for one reason or another and animals are being sold far less then their worth. So take your time, get to known your animal and wait 6 months to a year before you decide to jump into the breeding game to know if you are ready to take that leap.


hitting head on desk. Hadn't even thought of QT, it's been a while since I've gotten more than one new baby that I could just stick somewhere away from everyone else. Okay, IF i get another at the show, I'll keep her in a 10 gallon for a while. Would the 55 be too uncomfortable for one crestie? I'd love to set back up a natural viv with him in it. Or maybe put a girl in it and eventually add another girl in there... will have to think on that.

60 miles south of Chicago
I, personally, think that a 55 gallon would be a tad excessive for ONE gecko, but if he's an adult, I think he'll be fine.

I, personally, would save a 55 gallon for a uroplatus gecko since they need even MORE height. But that's what I would do if I had a 55 gallon tank. You probably have no intentions of ever getting a uroplatus gecko of any kind. :main_laugh:

I recently bought four 24"W x 12.5" D X 24" H glass cages. I plan to place my females in them first once they are of adult size. Then when breeding time comes, I'll place the male in with the female.
Since the females do most of the work during the breeding/gravid times, I'd much rather have any females comfortable in their environment more so than any males.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
When I had my 55 gallon I had kept 4 females in it without a problem. Personally would put a tank divider in there and still keep male and female seperate even after QT simply so that he isnt constantly pestering her because these guys will breed all year round if given the chance, which can be hard on the female.


now to find 2-4 baby girls from same clutch!!! lol! wish me luck at Repticon!


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
do realize if you are buying younger geckos it isnt advised to house them in something so big to start with. I would wait until they are about 20g before moving them into something so big, or consider using a tank divider in the tank if you dont want to go with something small before they get large enough to move in there. I usually keep the little ones in KK's, then move them int 5.5 gallons until around 15-20 grams before moving into a final tank.


thanks!!! Not sure what I'll find at the show, so the 55 gallon may be put on a back burner for a bit. I'm setting up the 10g on it's side for the male and I have several more that I can use if I do find juvies. I'm going to go ahead and set the 55 up with plants and such so when someone is ready to go in it, it will be stable.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
Thats a good idea :) Are you going to do live plants with eco earth or just fake plants?

If you do live be sure to get a cleanup crew in there like giant african millies, earthworms, and pill bugs. The nice thing about not having anyone in there right now is you can do your own QT of these guys. If you have about a 5.5 gallon aquarium you could go dig up about 10 earthworms and as many pill bugs as you can find and plop them in there with some cork bark and plants. Do this for 60 days and your critters will be QT'ed and ready to go into the big tank to help keep it clean. I learned from someone who raises things like pill bugs, earthworms and giant millies to keep in with her cresties, she said if it is a stark tank, no animal in it yet or the animal was just placed in there. Sprinkle a few coffee grounds on top of the eco earth and that will keep the critters in there happy. And this way when you do put your geckos in there, they will have critters in there to help break down feces and keep the tank smelling and looking better for longer.


great help, thank you!!! Now, what if I were to say I'm actually thinking of putting the 55 on it's side?? I have every range of plant, low light to high. I'm wondering how they might like it with some low-medium light orchids? Is that even possible? Or would the 55 be too tall for their liking?


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
nah it will be fine. What I would do if you are going to use eco earth is place a piece of plexi glass at the bottom of the tank that is about 4-5" tall and silicon it to the tank, this will keep the substrate in so it doesnt fall everywhere when you open the door. Here is a link which will show you on how to make a screen door for your tank so you dont have to use a normal screen and clamps to hold it on

I am not sure how well orchids would hold up to cresties, esp with more then one gecko in the tank, they could get broken. But here is a safe plant list complements of wonderful Sarah from Lunar Gecko

*Aechmea fasciata (Urn plants/Silver Vase Bromeliad) – Large

*Billbergia nutans – (queens Tears) partial shade to bright indirect light

*Cryptanthus zonatus (Earth stars) – warm, humid, bright light

*Guzmania lingulata – warm, humid, bright light

*Nidularium – 12-15 inches, low to Med. Light

*Tillandsia – Air plant, warm & humid

*Vrisea splendens (sword bromeliads) Light shade

~Other Plants:

*Acalphya (copperleafs, chenille plants)

*Adiantum (maidenhair ferns) – cool and dry in winter

*Aglaonema (Chinese evergreens) – do well in low lights, highly recommended

*Alocasia (elephant ears) – must be kept moist, humid and warm, will either not do well or overgrow everything

*Asplenium (Bird’s nest fern) – moist soil, up to 3 feet high

*Bamboo - (live or dry) please the the Wikipedia article, way to much intresting info to list! Clippings will produice.

*Beaucarnea recurvata - (Ponytail Palms)

*Calathea zebrine - (Zebra plant) – moist moderate temps, moderate light

*Ceropegia woodii - (Rosary Vine,Hearts entangled, or String of hearts) Water thoroughly, and then allow the soil to completely dry out before watering again.

*Chlorophytum (spider plants) – average humidity, moderate light, should be allowed to get almost dry before watering

*Cissus (kangaroo vines, grape ivys) – no moist soil

*Codiaeum variegatum (often confused for Croton, because of this it is often labeled "croton" as a common name)

*Crassula ovata - (Jade Plant, Friendship tree or Money plant)Clippings will produice.

*Cyrtomium - (Holly ferns)

*Dracaena - (Dragon plants)

*Ficus (rubber trees, ornamental figs) should be washed of when dirty, do wellin spotlight, Use caution with any plant of the ficus family that has a "milky sap" when leafs/stems are broken, it is a skin and eye irratant.

*Maranta - (prayer plant) warm temps, high humidity

*Peperomia - (radiator plant) some in this family are an epiphyte or air plant. Clippings will generaly produice.

*Radermachera sinica - (China Doll)very difficult to root, Growth slowers used by nurserys will grow fast and less bushy.

*Sanseveria - (Snake Plants)aethiopica,caniculata,kirkii pulchra, parva, pinguicula, sinularis, thyrsiflora & trifasciata

*Scindapsus (Pothos) - looks like philodendron, very hardy. Clippings will produice.

*Schefflera arboricola - (Umbrella Plant)

*Spathiphyllum - (peace lilies)

*Tradescantia zebrina - (wandering Jew/ spiderwart) Can cause skin iritation in humans when handeld frequently. Clippings will produice. Called inch plant because it can grow up to an inch a day!

Do not sugest the use of the plants listed below.

*Dieffenbachia - (Dumbcane) All parts of the plant are poisonous, due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. . It has been known to cause the death of cats, dogs, and small childern. This plant is considered a neurotoxin.

*Hedera helix - (Ivy, English Ivy) This plant is nontoxic to birds but is toxic to humans. It is unknown what would happen when and if a feeder insect were to eat it then a reptile were to eat it in exhange. I think it is best to avoid.

*Philodendron- All parts of the plant are poisonous, due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. Make sure to double check this vs. Pothos, they look alike and are generly mix together at most plant stores. Some say that this plant is safe but from my reading I do not agree.

*Croton (genus) Not to be confused for Codiaeum variegatum. Croton Oil is used as an active ingredient in facial chemical peels. Also in the past Croton oil was used in herbal medicine as a violent purgative.

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