UTH question


New Member
United States
I currently use bulbs for heating, but they aren't keeping things heated as well as I'd like. I really need to get the temperatures in my tanks up, so I'm probably going to buy some UTHs. A couple questions though... Do they work as well with sand as they do with carpet? Also, can I put one on the bottom of a small tank and then place that tank on top of my 20 gallon (I have very limited space)? I don't want to risk melting or harming the lid of the 20 gallon or causing any fires, etc. I'm currently in the process of rehoming most of my babies so I should have more space soon, but I just want to be sure I can get away with using this.

One other thing I thought of. I can't think of the name of it, but the wood composite that makes up cheap shelves, desks, etc... is it safe to use an UTH for a tank sitting on one of those? None of my tanks are on that right now, but if I switch to UTHs then one will have to go somewhere else because it's sitting on plastic.

Ahhh I can't wait to have my own place and more space!

Thank you!


New Member
United States
Oh, one other thing... I've read that you have to use a thermometer with UTH, which makes sense. I have thermometers already. But... how do I use one with a UTH to make sure it's properly monitoring how hot it is? This might be my dumbest question ever. ;)


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
A UTH is a must with leos, as they don't bask. They absorb heat through their bellies in order to digest food properly. Plus bright lights can dry the air causing bad sheds. Setting the other tank on top should work fine if it is a screen mesh lid, but im not sure. I would avoid using sand altogether honestly, as your geckos can eat it and become impacted, which usually requires surgery to fix, and can lead to death. Plus the geckos will be in pretty much full contact with the uth because the sand will slide out from under them. This could possibly cause burns. On another note, thermometers are a must with any heating eqipment, but remember to measure the floor above the warm spot, NOT the air.

I actually think that you are thinking about a thermostat, not a thermometer though :D A thermostat is nescesary to regulate the heat output, and to keep it from cracking the glass, burning your gecko, and becoming a fire hazard.

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