Very hungry baby leopard gecko


New Member
Northern California
I've given my leopard gecko about 20 meal worms today (spaced out not all at once), and he just ate the last five I gave him. He has been going to his food dish a lot though, and he keeps looking around his tank as if trying to find more. I feel like I should maybe give him more, but I'm worried about giving him too much. Most of the meal worms have been pretty small though, as they are the smallest ones you can get at +++++. A few were bigger, but probably only about 5 of the 20 were big. They were only the biggest ones in the container though, not even at normal size.

So I'm just wondering if it would be safe to give him more. I feel like he wouldn't eat if he wasn't hungry, but I still worry.

(And just as I went to post this, he went to look in his dish for more worms.)


Ridgewood, NJ
When I purchased a couple teeny babies this year I was advised to feed them all they wanted until 25g and then feed put them on the same schedule as my adults. It's up for debate but its my understanding that at about 25g they have enough of a reserve to fast for a few days without serious consequences and slow growth is better than fast growth as growing as too fast may have consequences long-term. I've been feeding 10-15 mealworms 2-3 times a week for those over 25g. For the most part they seem to be growing at a steadily 1-2 grams per week on this regimen. I have a couple picky ones that are growing a bit slower but none are losing weight.

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