Virgin female producing eggs *worried*


New Member
My little tremper albino girl has never been housed with a male and I am sure she is gravid. She has huge white bulges on both sides of her abdomen and from below she looks just like the pictures I've seen of gravid females. The eggs look massive, I'm worried they are too big for her to pass.
I bought her as a hatchling in August/September I can't quite remember...but, she is only about 7 mos old.
I've provided her with a moist hide box containing vermiculite since I've had her, and the standard leopard gecko husbandry. 90* hot spot ambient is mid 70's to low 80's depending on time of day. Shes on newspaper bedding and has a hidebox as well as the moist hide box. A shallow water dish and a dish with pure calcium powder. (she is housed in her own tub in a rack system).
I've noticed the last few days her tail has gotten skinnier, but she is still eating, but not as much as she usually does. I offer every day, but sometimes she'll eat only every 2 days. Norm: 4 giant mealies and 2 crickets (cricks dusted once every week with calcium + D) Now: 1-3 giant mealies and 0-1 crickets.
I am worried that something is wrong! What should I do? Just cross my fingers and wait? Should I soak her?
Any suggestions would be appreciated...

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