Visible weight loss, not active, not eating.


New Member
Southampton, England
So a couple of you guys may have seen my forum post from last year/early this year about my Leopard Gecko Darwin. Long story short, used to be on a staple diet of mealworms and there wouldn't be a problem with feeding at all, would always eat any mealworms placed in the dish (Typically placed about 8 in there at a time), for almost half a year Darwin hasn't been eating properly and recently (a few months) hasn't been shedding fully, I can't even take the skin off the toes. I recently was feeding him locusts and he would eat like 1-2 at a time and that would be it for a few days..He's visibly losing weight in his tail, I can see it happening which is really horrible. I will attach a picture here, I bought him when he was really young just over a year ago so he is not 1-2 years old. He is also not pooping a lot, and when he does its dry and there isn't very much of it. I have also attached an image of when I got him/her (Still haven't determined sex) 11008843_1537264149856425_278217230_n.jpg 1521244_1437519766477930_549817084_n.jpg
Please help!

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Well, I would say it is likely an impaction. Not eating and not pooping (or pooping very little) could be a sign of a blockage, and since I see sand in the tank, I would say it is very likely.

Remove the sand and replace it with something solid like paper towels and raise your hot spot temp maybe 2 degrees (so it is 92). You can try warm soaks (about 90 degree F water) a few times a day. Honestly, I would go to the vet. Your gecko looks pretty rough.

Here is why you should not use sand:

However, you should fill this out so we can rule out some other problems.
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New Member
Southampton, England
Well, I would say it is likely an impaction. Not eating and not pooping (or pooping very little) could be a sign of a blockage, and since I see sand in the tank, I would say it is very likely.

Remove the sand and replace it with something solid like paper towels and raise your hot spot temp maybe 2 degrees (so it is 92). You can try warm soaks (about 90 degree F water) a few times a day. Honestly, I would go to the vet. Your gecko looks pretty rough.

Here is why you should not use sand:

However, you should fill this out so we can rule out some other problems.

The picture with the sand was when I got him :) I am now using paper towels and have been for a long time, I haven't used sand in nearly half a year.

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Oh, dear. My apologies! I should not have assumed.

In that case, please fill out the questionnaire and we will do our best to help you. =) Sorry again for assuming.


New Member
Please take your pet to your vet. My gecko ended up swallowing a huge piece of sphagnum moss and got very sick. If it hadn't been for my vet he would have died. Thank god he is ok now and has put all his weight back on and them some. My vet made me medicate him with what he called carnivore care and it saved his life. Go to your vet

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