
JK Herp
A W&Y means white and yellow lol. And thats a calico i bealive. I don't know munch about W&Y leopard geckos Eublepharis macularius.


If you aren't sure on the answer you shouldn't answer it. As for the OP here is a quote to a post made by the creator of the W&Y.

The w/y well all I know so far is this.
This was the first time that I saw the w/y


In this thread this is what Sergey and Raisa Prohorchik (the first to produce the W/Y) said about the W/Y.

After seeing these I thought that is where the enigma had to have come from. Also with anything weird that might be genetic I had to have them. I did a little calling around and asking people some questions. The first question was where did the enigmas come from? I did get a hold of some people from Reptile Industries. It is said from people that work there that the enigma was bought not hatched and that it “appeared” in the collection around 2003. but that is another story for another day.

Next up on the list of what are they is how I got mine. My friends Henrik and Lotta from Europe got a couple W/Y. We sent them a couple select females. We sent a Mack Raptor, sunglow bell enigma, a stripe Rainwater, and a Nova. Also added to the females that would be breed to the W/Y were a Banana Blazing Rainwater Blizzard, a pure female, and a G project female. These females were all breed to the same W,Y male. With these females we could see if there was any genes that were undisclosed right off the bat. These females were all bred during the 09 season. There were no morphs that hatched from any of the crosses so we concluded that the male W/Y was a pure W/Y.
Lotta sent me my W/Y after the Sept. Hamm show. It took a few more months before I could have the W/Y up to breeding size.

So far I have done some breeding with the W/Y I have hatched what I think are W/Y. They do look slightly different or at least I can tell a difference. They hatch out with an enigma like fading of the pattern into itself. All of you that have hatched out enigmas should know what I am talking about. Its not a huge difference but it is for sure a difference. Its almost kind of like a hypo look when they start “hypo -ing out” where the dark bands are starting to fade. Unlike the hypos that we know of today that hatch out looking like a normal and then with age the bands fade out. The W/Y is born with that fading. Also some of the W/Y I have noticed have that enigma like markings to the head with the spot right above the nose. Not all of them have this but some do. Another thing that the W/Y are kind of lacking is the orange on the tail (“Carrot Tail”) some have what looks like the start of it but like most enigmas it is lacking color on the tail. This could probably achieved over time and selective breeding. How the enigma and the W/Y differ are a few things the biggest thing when you look at them are the eyes. The Enigma has different eyes, they have like that rust look in all of them for the most part( snows usually don’t ). The other thing is the enigmas color and pattern difference from a normal is much more extreme then that of the W/Y. So I’m sure you are all wondering about the big question. What about the spinning and head tilting that the enigmas has do the W/Y have anything like that. The answer so far is that I have not seen any thing like that. So far there is no head tilting, no “spinning”, or any other enigma issues. The big thing and this is just after 5 geckos so this will be along study done on this part. It just might be the “cure” for the enigma. The enigmas W/Y that I have so far don’t do anything weird at all. They are great eaters no spinning head issues so far. But like I said there needs to be more hatchlings and more tests done on what is going on.

On a side note, about the testing of the enigmas. I have set up a test to be done on the enigmas at Penn State University with a Neurologist. From what I understand they are going to be able to see what is actually going on in the head (brain, inner ear, or eye) of the enigmas that is causing them to spin. Maybe we can finally get some real answers instead of answers that save same peoples interests. So the Real story will be out hopefully soon. I am just in the process of breeding the test subjects now.

Now down to the genetics side of the W/Y. So far it is a Dominant mutation that you can get first generation. It has been said that there is a super form but I cant say that there is right now. Breeding of W/Y X W/Y is being done this year, I will know sometime with in the next few months what this will produce. Also I have to do some testing on the W/Y siblings to see if they also are carrying anything that would make the W/Y pop out or not. The tricky part might be that the original breeders were going for that hypo look as stated in their write up. So this could mean that there are “hypo W/Y” and more normal looking “spotted W/Y” and that could make life very interesting. Some of the W/Y that I got at first they looked different (as babies) as they got older they got more spots and became harder to tell that they were W/Y (if that is what they are). You can actually see this in enigmas as well where they go through a huge sometimes ugly-ing stage in which they darken lose color and just get ugly. So like I am saying there is a lot of work to be done on the W/Y to figure out every thing about how it works yet. I will try to let you know all the stuff as I figure it out. I am just trying not to make the same mistakes that were made with the release of the enigmas and a lot of other morphs as well for that matter. It better to take the time, and know first.

As far as the calico goes, From what I know so far is that it randomly pops out of the W/Y. It is basically a W/Y with solid black eyes that hatches out very dark. But like the W/Y work has to be done to see what is really going on with that as well. I don’t have one of the black eyed ones so I can’t tell you anything really anything yet about them YET hahhahahah

I hope that this helps out a little, wish I could tell you more.

If you have any other question, Just put them up and I will see if I can answer them.

As far as when will I start selling mine, I don’t know yet. But I will let everyone know when I do.

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