Wanted:Mack Snow Raptor male Sub Adult-Adult

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
I'm looking for a male mack snow raptor for a project.I have 2 Mack raptor girls as well as a snow ember project. He will be in good hands,and will have quite a few pretty girls to be with:DI'm not looking for anything top of the line,just a gecko that posesses Mack Snow,Tremper Albino,and Eclipse genetics.Preferably with either a stripe or lots of pattern.I'm looking to spend no more than $125 before shipping.Thanks!Pm or email at [email protected] if you think you have what I'm looking for!Thanks for looking!

P.S. due to Christmas delays,I would like to wait until a couple weeks after Christmasto pay and recieve the gecko.I hope that's not too much to ask.Thanks!

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
I'm really in need of a male mack raptor!!!!!!please PM if you have on for $125 or less before shipping!!!!Thanks!

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