whats it for? i used to do it for my iguana when he was constipated, is this used for leos to remove extra shed?
Soak the gecko for a few minutes, then try gently rubbing the skin off the toes with wet Q-Tips. If some pieces of skin still won't come off, you can very carefully use tweezers, as long as the skin sticks out far enough that you can grab it without grabbing the gecko's toe(s).ryno said:I did the water soak because of the shedded skin on his toes but it woudn't come off.
can someone tell me what to do
ryno said:I did the water soak because of the shedded skin on his toes but it woudn't come off.
can someone tell me what to do
The less water you use the quicker the water gets cold though. As long as the gecko's head is above water it's fine.WftRight said:I've also used less water than what people here are describing. When I'm soaking a gecko, I make the water just barely higher than ankle deep.
I did the water soak because of the shedded skin on his toes but it woudn't come off.
can someone tell me what to do