Warning: Komodo Habitat Moss - Impaction!


New Member
Noticed my gecko wasn't eating properly over the past few days. he was only having the odd bite at a cricket here and there. Originaly we thought he was shedding he was in a mood and was tired all the time.

his bowel movements were pretty regular up till maybe 3 days ago. Tonight after cleaning and disinfecting all the viv we noticed him curled up in a corner and he was straining. I got my torch out to get a better light and noticed what i thought was a prolapse. After panicing for several seconds and wondering what i had done wrong i grabbed him out the vivarium and put him in a large tuppawear box and took him to the bathroom to see better. This is where i noticed a large amount of this moss we had been sold as "sphaganum" and was completely harmless to geckos and was hanging out of his rear end. poured some lukewarm water into the tub to try and float it out of him but i had to manually grab and pull it and it came to about 5cm worth of moss.

needless to say ive only owned a gecko for a few weeks and it was quite a horrible ordeal.

i dont know if anyone else has had any experence with this moss but i know i definetly wont be using it again.


Glittering Geckos
Manitoba, Canada
Some geckos eat the moss in their hides. I have two males that do. I had to take the moss out of their humid hides. You can use paper towels or sponge instead. Once it took the moss out, my geckos recovered after a few days. Hope your gecko makes a quick recovery.

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