Watery Pee....no Poop


New Member
The Bold Stripe I have had for 2 weeks pees with clear liquid and a little glob of white Pee.

She has not started eating well yet as expected but has eaten about an average of one cricket every other day or maybe 3.

No signs of any abnormal behavior or stress. Meaning adapting well.... out in the open and active at night. Using bottled water and temps are fine.

Would not eat Giant Mealies...... or Super's. I ordered Large reg Mealies and will see if she will eat those as I assume thats what the breeder fed most. ( using the same feeder dust.... Rapashy with ICB as breeder..... no Cal dish )
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New Member
I got an email back from the breeder and she said because of the low food intake with not a lot to digest..... that everything was OK and the watery pee is of no great concern.

I had seen my Normal pass fluid before while pooping..... but always good to ask what you see coming out the front and back end...lol.


Pee Poo Pie Fum

I got an email back from the breeder and she said because of the low food intake with not a lot to digest..... that everything was OK and the watery pee is of no great concern.

I had seen my Normal pass fluid before while pooping..... but always good to ask what you see coming out the front and back end...lol.

With out knowing more about your set up...
I'm guessing your temperature may not be
high enough on it's belly. :main_huh:
Take care. HJ


BABIES, Ahhhhhh YES.

She has the option to lay on the hot side from 90 to 95+ to the cool 70 to 75.

Hi Dr.
I would think that temp. is fine, although
I go a bit higher.
You said you had her for 2 weeks...
that is not a lot of food intake, assuming
she is at least a month or probably more old.
Little food intake could be the pee in the
poop problem, but I see the eating being
the bigger thing.
Some of mine refuse to be active enough
to chase crickets.
Slow meal worms would be more likely
consumed. I would also add 2 or 3 wax
worms to get her interest in
building an appetite.
On the calcium coating, I find some
do not go for it on prey food.
I would keep it for her to lick until
she starts eating better.(then dust occasionally)
Hope it works out for you.
Take care. HJ


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