Wax worms and butter worms and meal worms oh my


New Member
New Jersey
So my one female laid an egg about a monthago and dropped some weight. I've been keeping her closely monitored and checking her weight every few days and she isn't really gaining. Mainly maintains weight with a +-1g difference. All my geckos get a steady diet of crickets with a dish of 4-7the meal worms daily. Now to help her put on weight what's some good other foods? I've heard to only give them butter or wax worms as a treat since they can make them fat if fed to much and can throw them off any other foods like crickets. For now though I'm feeding her 1 butter worm 2 days after their regular feeding dusted in vitamin powder with the crickets dusted every other feeding with d3 calcium powder since they all have non d3 dishes in their tanks at all times. Any thoughts suggestions or input would be greatly appreciated :)


New Member
New Jersey
Actually it was lol any which yeah I want to give pinkies to my adults but my fiance freaked when I mentioned the idea....ill just sneak them in....any ideas how to entice them ti eat them willingly? My one Mack snow jungle bell just freaks if I go anywhere near with the long feeding tongs

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