We made a new culinary blog lol



My partner and i are both trying to become better cooks but often find searching for recipes and planning meals boring, but after recently watching some episodes of 'Iron Chef' we have decided to host a similar cooking challenge each weekend.

We are going to take turns picking an ingredient each weekend and will then make two dishes themed around it. We are both making up a main course, and will swap out each weekend who makes the starter and desert.

I thought it would be fun to blog about what we cook and how its going, so here is the link.

http://silverchefs.wordpress.com/ Id love for some comments on what people think of the food we cook or even ideas for ingredient we could pick!!!

I haven't really edited the page yet in terms of theme and color but made the first post about last weeks cooking. It was SO much fun to do and all the food was super yummy. This week my boyfriend has chosen peaches and he will be in charge of one main course and the desert and i will be doing a starter and main course.

This really is alot of fun and its a nice opportunity for us to both learn how to cook better and spend some good quality time having fun.

I won last weeks challenge and my boyfriend is determined he shall win this weekend LOL


hehe :)

Thanks, it really is fun to do, we cant wait to cook tonight hehe

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