We named a female with a male name.


New Member
Some of you may remember me talking about one of my geckos, Nolan. We gave her that name because we have a friend we wanted to name a reptile after but didn't plan on buying any male reptiles.

Today while cleaning out the cages this morning I had Nolan out and rubbed her belly to check for impaction (not that I should have to worry about it, but I do that with my other leo and dragon). There were two bumps at the base of the tail. Guess Nolan is a male :eek: I know I checked him last week and I didn't see the bumps :main_huh:

We don't have any plans for breeding right now, so I will be separating them. Should I be worried that maybe he's already done the deed with my female? Guess I'll need to look up the signs for gravid leo's.


Lizard Circus Ringmaster!
Separate them as soon as possible, since it is the season for gecko love. Hopefully your female isn't gravid, but everyone will help you with you first clutch if she is, of this I have no doubt. From how to deal with it, how to hatch eggs, where to sell or put babies up for adoption- anything, ask and I'm sure the forum will help out. : )

I've had a similar story ish. A friend had a gecko najmed Sheila for 9 years. When she went to college, she gave the gecko to me, thinking I could house Sheila with my female. Well, turns out that Sheila was a He-la. Found that out before housing him with my girl, but it could have been bad.

I just felt bad for the poor, giant guying living as a girl all his life. I mean, at least Nolan is a sorta gender neutral name. Sheila is not. I ended up renaming him Qamar- Arabic for Moon, a week after I adopted the poor emasculated guy.

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