Welcome to me!



Hey folks,

Welcome to me ;)

Anyhow, you'd better get the story about me as well. But since I already have a "About me" text on my homepage I have just copied it in...

I am the guy behind Sanctus Geckos - Lars Sommer. Born the 10th of September, 1985 - and living in Denmark studying a university degree in "Leisure Management" focusing on tourism and events.

I have had reptiles since 2004 where I started with 0.0.3 Phyllobates terribilis "mint". I was completely hooked up into the hobby after I saw some pictures from a friend of mine - Thomas Raavig - who wanted poisonfrogs.

After approximately one year I bought my self a 1.0 Teratolepis fasciata, and suddenly I ended up with a couple, then some juveniles from them - and now I have around 30 geckos as my 'base-geckos' (that means without eggs and babies).

I have had the following animals for a longer or shorter period of time:

Coleonyx mitratus
Hemitheconyx caudicinctus
Teratolepis fasciata
Lepidodactylus lugubris
Teratoscincus roborowskii
Right now I have:
Eublepharis afghanicus
Eublepharis macularius
Rhacodactylus ciliatus "flame", "red bicolor", "tiger"
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Phelsuma grandis
Phelsuma laticauda laticauda
Phelsuma laticauda angularis
Underwoodisaurus [Nephrurus] milii
Stenodactylus sthenodactylus
Juveniles and eggs is not mentioned above unless it is keepers. I have changed a bit in my collection the last months, but hopefully it will give me plenty of healthy eggs and juveniles in 2009!
To be honest I must tell that I do have a snakecouple as well (Heterodon nasicus) - a gorgeous little snake, with a very speciel mood.[/qoute]

However some of the species mentioned is going to be sold off.

So I will be 23 tomorrow, and yeah, I'm just another gecko-fanatic freak out there..

I do also take a lot of pictures of my geckos, and there viv, and I will just show you a few :) If you have users on other fora as well you might have seen them before..

My vivs 001.jpg

My vivs 002.jpg

My vivs 003.jpg

My vivs 004.jpg

For your notice I will change my hifi and TV during the next two weeks! (phew, it looks like crap that setup :|)

So that was short about me! I hope that I can learn (and maybe even help?) you guys in here.

Please do also see my homepage: www.Sanctus.dk

Regards, Lars Sommer - Denmark


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Hey, welcome to GeckoForums :D
Nice pics! and Happy Birthday, I have a very good friend who's birthday is also tomorrow, and she was also born in '85 :)

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