Well hi there!


New Member
Hello folks! Just wanted to introduce myself and my lovely little lady. I am Dee and I have 1 marvelous Leo named Cricket Muncher. She is 6 and a half now, but we've only had her for just over a year. She is just the quirkiest, funniest little doll!
She's our first Leo, who came to us when her owner couldn't care for her anymore. We didn't even know what a Leopard Gecko was at the time, but we're sure glad to have met her and learned all about these strange and utterly fascinating critters! She has only 3 toes but that doesn't stop her from adventuring everywhere and mapping out the whole house every chance she gets!
Thank you so much for making this forum such a well rounded informative place! It has helped to resolve many of my concerns over the last few weeks (ovulation... didn't see that one coming!) and I'm sure, will aid in many more curiosities to come!
10352765_10154213639335257_8034092204822757400_n.jpg < Miss Cricket... isn't she a beaut?!


New Member
Springfield Missouri
Hi there. One of my leos is named Cricket too. My daughters named her that cause she will only eat crickets. Yes this forum is a wonderful place full of great knowledgeable people.

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