West Virginia Senate Bill 477 Exotic Animal Ban


Greg Stephens
Huntington, WV
If you don't already know. WV is the newest state to be added to the ban exotics band wagon. If you live in or around WV it is very important that you contact Senator Kessler and let him know your stance on the ban. Be polite rudeness gets you no where. Below is his phone number and email address, so fire away with the calls and emails. The way this bill stands it bans all exotics including fish, birds, mammals, reptiles.

Jeffrey V. Kessler (D - Marshall)
District 2

Capitol Address:
Room 227M, Building 1
State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305

Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7801
Business Phone: (304) 845-2580
E-mail: [email protected]

Here is also a link to the bill: http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_S...ldoc=sb477 intr.htm&yr=2012&sesstype=RS&i=477

Share this post it on other forums, lets get the word out asap.

Here is a link in a local paper to a story about the ban with some serious misinformation from Summer Wyatt (HSUS director in WV) She states that we have a serious constrictor problem in WV I also suggest calling this paper and inform them they are reporting false information.


Thanks for everyones help.

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