What a nub. >.<


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Loki is still mostly refusing to eat on a daily basis. We can get her to eat maybe a cricket or two a week, the rest of the time it's all slurry.

She's hungry this morning and keeps staring at the crickets in the container next to her tank. I wanted to see if she was actually hungry or was just bored and watching them move around, so I moved the cricket container to the other side. Sure enough, she ran over. She was going nuts, snapping at them, wiggling her tail like crazy. I've even watched her bounce off the glass when she goes to strike at them.


There's crickets in her tank, I even put new ones in... she does't want those. I even went as far as putting her in the cricket container. Still nothing. But she still wants those other crickets.

There she goes bouncing off the glass again. Loki, you nub! :rolleyes:

Just eat the @#$)(*^&@ crickets in there already and stop tearing your cage apart!

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