This first one, at the time i'm writing this, the black dots have always totally disappeared, so i suppose he's SHT but.. So dark? Was very clear at first...
This is one is a high yellow, is that right? Sexing impossible before 3 months?
First one...if there are no spots on the back, then it would be a super hypo tangerine. Does it still have spots on the head? If not, then "baldy" would be added to that.
Second is high yellow.
Sexing isn't necessarily impossible before 3 months of age. I have ones that are just barely at the 3 month mark and they're already visible males. Usually it goes by size. Most geckos can be sexed by the time they're 20 grams in weight...others can be late bloomers, though, so it's best to wait until they're 30 grams to know absolutely sure.
The SHT weights 21g as of now... I tried looking but didn't see any "male spots". I'm sure he's a male, he's so agitated when i have it in my hands and grew up so quickly compared to others... And here's a pic took yesteday, yes the head spots are disappearing too...