If that's orange on Reptar's tail then I would guess a Tangerine. Godzilla, I'm not so sure what he is, probably not High Yellow (not enough yellow or bright enough). Maybe someone else can give you a better idea.
They both still look young and need to be older (preferably at least a year or two) and gain some weight before breeding. Hopefully they are being housed separately as the male will mature faster than the female and the last thing you want is for her to become gravid while she's still small (could result in death).
as of right now they are together, i can separate though. both of them are a little over a year im trying to fatten her up any suggestions? and on the last post i talked to a local store and they said they would buy them
I would definitely separate as soon as possible.
Best way for them to gain weight is to just feed them on a regular basis. You can also try mixing things up and feed them a variety of food (mealworms, roaches, crickets, etc.)
Personally I wouldn't put them through the stress of breeding just to sell the hatchlings to a pet store. Most pet stores don't know how to properly care for them and they suffer. Breaks my heart every time I go to one (which is probably why I avoid them at all cost because I would feel sorry for them and have to buy them).