What are you giving this Xmas?


New Member
This year my mother hasn't had much of the holiday spirit, due to a little financial stress which is working itself out.

So to help brighten her mood I bought her a few things for Christmas. A nice black sweater, this pretty purple blouse that I might end up borrowing, a warm hoodie since she spends a lot of time outside and a nice little card thanking her for being the best mom in the world, corny I know! lol

Anyway a few days ago I put one of the gifts underneath the tree saying it was from me and she already perked up, since she's always giving but hardly ever receives so she was shocked (not saying that, that's the point of giving but it's nice to get a little gift now and then) so tonight after she went to bed I pulled out the rest and put; To: Mercedes, From: Santa Clause on the tag just like she used to do when I was a kid. I know tomorrow morning she'll be rolling on the floor when she see's it.

Hope she likes the gifts :)

For my BF I got him one of those Northface puffer vest. I had also purchased a Hugo Boss Cologne gift set but after the vest I don't think I can afford the cologne, lmao. I also bought Hangover the DVD.


New Member
My dad used to work with a lady named Mercedes in California and I still remember her bc she was so nice, and had a cool name!
My dad never asks for anything, he will wear shoes until they are talking lol so his friends are coming to visit and the only thing I have ever heard him say he wants is a TV(he's had the same one for 25 years and its picture is so bad we can't watch any movies/shows with any dark scenes in it because you can't see what is going on.) SO I know it is past christmas but I am hoping to save up and help them get the new TV he pointed out to me the other day before his friends come visit. If they beat me to it then it will go towards getting him a new snowblower bc he's too old to be still shoveling the driveway. lol

That's really sweet what you did for your mom :)


Grass Valley, California
I have been having a very different christmas this year due to my recent divorce. I get along well with the x so i gave her a set of cutlery since i got the good stuff in the settlement. i'm also giving her the old tv set... 32" crt since i got myself a plasma set for xmas. Got the kidlet a nintendo dsi (xwife and i split the cost). mom gets flower bulbs and dad gets a pair of mini vise grips. they told me not to get them anything... but i can't do that.

xwife gave me season 1 of heroes on blu ray!

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