I've been using vermiculite, but I'm thinking about switching...
Apr 1, 2014 #1 B bo123 New Member Messages 8 Location New York I've been using vermiculite, but I'm thinking about switching...
Apr 1, 2014 #2 S scm133 GULFCOASTGECKOS Messages 1,285 Location Alabama Eco Earth or any fine coco fiber.....holds moisture well. GulfCoastGeckos
Apr 6, 2014 #3 SCGeckos New Member Messages 99 Location South Carolina Coco fiber works great! We have been using it for several years and will never change.
May 3, 2014 #4 Olympus Biologist & Ecologist Messages 295 Location Miami, Fl. I use organic top soil (organic as in no fertilizers, pesticides, perlite, etc.), although sometimes it's a ~70:30 mix of soillay sand. And then vermiculite to incubate.
I use organic top soil (organic as in no fertilizers, pesticides, perlite, etc.), although sometimes it's a ~70:30 mix of soillay sand. And then vermiculite to incubate.