What do you use to clean/disinfect tanks?


California, USA
So over my holidays, Mifty passed away. He didn't have any parasites. Wasn't sick. Was alert and active the day/night before. Had a fat tail and everything. Vet and I believe it was age. I don't know how old he was when I got him but I had him for 6-7 years.

I might get another gecko later but for now I think I'm just going to focus on taking care of my current pets and school.

But before I store the tank and hides away, I want to clean and disinfect them. I'm thinking of boiling any stone and slate. But the tanks and plastic stuff will need to be soaked in either ammonia or bleach solution. I feel ammonia will do a better job of disinfecting but I'm not sure where to get it. The hardware store nearby has something called lemon ammonia? Would that work? Do you have any specific brands you use or can you point me to a store I can get household ammonia?


Ridgewood, NJ
Boiling or baking stone or other tank items that won't burn or melt is a great way to disinfect. Ammonia or bleach will do a fine job at disinfecting. I personally hate the smell of ammonia and prefer bleach. I tend to use a 10% solution and soak objects overnight in the solution and then another night in pure water. I would try to find some ammonia that isn't scented with lemon for cleaning but I don't think it matters if you'll store it for a while. I can usually find some at the supermarket or a general store that sells cleaning products like Walmart or Target.

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