What does it mean to you?


Mesa, Arizona
I just wanted to share a couple of things. First thing. I am sure most all of you are aware of the site, that NORAD tracks Santa. but here is the link anyway :) http://www.noradsanta.org/en/home.html :)

Which leads me into my second reason for posting. WHAT DOES CHRISTMAS MEAN TO YOU?

Most everyone who knows me well enough knows that I am not a huge fan of Christmas! and all of the over-commericalization! all of the
emphasis placed on gift giving and receiving. obsession with overdoing lights & decoration, WHEN THATS NOT WHAT'S IT'S SUPPOSSED TO BE ABOUT!!

but certain things remind me of, the few aspects of Christmas that i do cherish.. the inoscense of small children. there willingness to believe that one man could actually do what Santa does. (The thought of this makes me smile inside) Unfortunatly i can't really remember having that feeling, i don't remember being excited for "santa to come" But I do remember going to church with my grandma, celebrating the birth of Christ..

We celebrate Christmas, and I feel it should be a celabration of family, & friends, caring about people in general. Being with the ones you love most! Having fun! seeing the excitement on the faces of small children. and understanding that the day is meant for more than just too many, over-priced, gifts! I don't even like receiving gifts... it makes me uncomfortable actually. But I love to give.....when it's not the expectation that i should give :main_yes:

Please, tell us. what This holiday season means to you?(even if you don't celabrate Christmas itself) Any cherished memories you have, you want to share with us..

:D Thank You. & Warm Wishes this Holiday Season to Everyone! Be Safe, Be Happy! & Enjoy the ones you love!
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It's a BEAUT Clark!
I'm with you Amber, I like to give MUCH more than I like receiving.

Every Christmas, since I was 16 (and could drive) I've been volunteering at soup kitchens, for the Salvation Army, at the old folks home, etc. Even though I never had money to give, I gave my time. The December when I was 18, I actually volunteered every single day, including Christmas Eve and Day. The feeling I got from doing that, honestly changed me.

I remember one Christmas, when I was 8. My sister and I opened all our presents, and promptly started complaining because we hadn't gotten something we REALLY wanted (despite the dozens of presents we had sitting in front of us). I remember my mom packing up all the toys and gifts, putting us in the car, and making us give EVERY SINGLE ONE of those presents to a foster family of 10 children that lived around the corner from us. I am embarrassed at how selfish I was, but it taught me one BIG lesson.

This holiday is not about money and gifts to me. It's about being a better person, giving as much as you can, and spending time with family and friends.


is a pirate
Niagara Falls, NY
"Maybe Christmas he thought, dosn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps- means a little bit more" Dr. Seuss "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"

I love that quote, and I think it sums up my feelings for Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope Santa brings everything on your list :D


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
I hate commercialised Christmas. I think Christmas is a time when we should all reach out to the less fortunate. I REALLY admire your ways, Heather. There is no greater gift than to care for others. Your parents get big points from me again. I told my niece there was no Santa Clause and she just laughed it off. My family was a little mad at me for that, so I decided to meet them in the middle. Now I have her convinced that Santa works for Jesus to share his birthday gifts with all of us. My niece is nine years old, I'm pretty sure she knows there is really no Santa Clause, I just had to include Jesus so that she knows that at it's core Christmas isn't about a generous old man who comes around once a year, but about the birth of Jesus. I would do exactly what Heather's mom did if my nieces and nephews acted ungratefully. I want to take my niece to help at a kitchen when she is a little older. That will give her a much better idea of what Christmas really is about. Happy Holidays everyone.

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