What Is This Baby?


New Member
Leeds, Uk
We have gone and made the Ultimate mistake of not Tagging 2 of our eggs with the name of the Female.
We'd appreciate any input as to what Morph the Baby is.

The Father is a Giant Sunglow Het for Raptor.
The Mother is either Pickle, Raptor or Juicy, Bell Albino Enigma (Thats what we were told when we bought her as a Adult from a Reptile Breeders Show)

Anyway i've added the Photos and would like opinions on which is the Mother.
Also what Morph the Baby actually is.



New Member
Ontario, Canada
I would say it is from Pickle, if you would have bred that male to the Bell Engima it wouldn't be a good idea for starters and you wouldn't get any albino genetics due to the fact that Sunglow het raptor is Tremper Albino and the Bell Enigma is Bell Albino which together is not compatible.
That baby is obviously albino at least but what do the eyes look like?? Could be a Raptor????


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Im so confused, you have attached pics of the possible moms. What are their morphs? Raptor, Bell Albino Enigma, and?

It looks like a RAPTOR.

As previous poster wrote do not breed RAPTORs and Bells, these are two different albino strains (tremper and Bell) and this is highly frowned upon! It is not that they are incompatible it is that you will end up with hets and possible hets for both strains and if someone were to try and breed these offspring they could be in for a big surprise when the baby is het for multiple albino strains!
This is called "Muddying the waters". If you would like to read more there is a sticky in the "Morphs and Genetics" section. If you were to breed two animals that were both het for multiple albino strains there would be no way to identify visually which albino strain/s it actually is. This in itself is a major problem...
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Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
They have pictures of all the adults posted, and here's what I'm seeing:

1.) Neither of the females "look" Bell to me. And, I certainly don't see an Enigma!

2.) That hatchling is an albino. Based on the genetics given, if one of those females were Bell and the hatchling came from her, that "supposed" Bell female would have to be het Tremper.

Most likely, what you have there is a Tremper Albino hatchling.

Can you post a close, clear eye picture of the what you're calling a "Bell Albino Enigma"?


New Member
White Bear Lake, MN
They have pictures of all the adults posted, and here's what I'm seeing:

1.) Neither of the females "look" Bell to me. And, I certainly don't see an Enigma!

2.) That hatchling is an albino. Based on the genetics given, if one of those females were Bell and the hatchling came from her, that "supposed" Bell female would have to be het Tremper.

Most likely, what you have there is a Tremper Albino hatchling.

Can you post a close, clear eye picture of the what you're calling a "Bell Albino Enigma"?

I think the first one does look enigma.

Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
The baby looks RAPTOR. You can see the white Eclipse nose.

I was thinking too the hatchling "may" be Eclipse, but wasn't willing to jump off the deep end. Looks like it could be though. :main_yes:

And partial reverse stripe too, indicating again the Trempers are most likely the pair that produced the egg.


New Member
Leeds, Uk
Thanks for the replies.

I will try to get close up photos of the Hatchlings eyes and the Bell Albinos eyes.
From the Replies i can see that i shouldn't have bred the Sunglow and Juicy (Bell Albino). Sorry about that.

We are only breeding 3 of our Females the other pairing being Jungle Female with our Giant Mack Snow Het for Blizzard. Someone tell me i've not messed up on this pairing.
We are new to Reptiles and only breeding them to keep as Pets. We will never sell any of them.
I will take the advice and look into the do's and don'ts of morph breeding.

I've added a closer shot of the Bell Albinos Eye
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Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
I do not believe it's an Albino, and I'm not even sure I see an Enigma.

I think you've got a Super Hypo Tang het Bell, but that's just my opinion. Maybe somebody else has a different one.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY

Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
You know, I'm on wiki, looking at lots of pictures. If that's Enigma eye being expressed in that picture, then it's the most subtle I've ever seen. Not saying it isn't, because it's hard sometimes to tell from a picture, but it's not obvious.

What also makes it difficult is that the animal has none of the typical body markings of an Enigma, with the exception that it doesn't have any carrot tail. But even non-Enigma animals can be non-carrot tail too.

It took me a while to even write a response, because I was so on the fence about this gecko.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
This is a tremper enigma I used to have.. at least I assume she was albino and people on the forums said she was but I even question that...




New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Are your females still laying? I say separate them and keep track of who laid what. If the eggs from that Enigma when crossed with the Sunglow male are all albino then there ya! Tremper it is. If all are non albino then maybe its het Bell or who knows... If some are non albino then its het Tremper
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New Member
Leeds, Uk
Are your females still laying? I say separate them and keep track of who laid what. If the eggs from that Enigma when crossed with the Sunglow male are all albino then there ya! Tremper it is. If all are non albino then maybe its het Bell or who knows... If some are non albino then its het Tremper
I have other eggs which are Labelled so when they Hatch it should be clearer which is the Mother.
The nearest Pic of a Gecko I can find that looks like Juicy is on the JMG site. It looks identical to Juicy body wise but the pic doesn't show the eye colouring.
Having said that this Pic seems to show some small black dot markings. Juicy has none.

Heres the link http://jmgreptile.com/shop/prod_2497.html
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