
New Member
Southern USA
Okay, apparently I'm being known as Lizard Lady among my friends, that's fine with me, 'cause I love my 'lil guys, lol. Any who, my friend found a lizard at her work place, said it was hauling butt across the floor. She managed to capture it with a broom and dustpan and poked holes in a empty water bottle to keep it in temporarily. She brought it over to me last night, I'm surprised she had any decent photo of it beforehand. This thing is SUPER SUPER tiny, the picture makes it look bigger than it actually is, I'm not kidding you. I have NO idea what kind of lizard it is. Due to the spots on it's back my friend thought maybe it was a leopard gecko, plus the stripes on it's tail... though I'm not sure, leos can't climb the tanks, even if it's moist, but this one seems to be able to climb if it has a little moisture. I put it in a mini habitat thing I got when I first got Merlin (it's clean and all that), and I misted it this morning to make sure it had some sort of moisture in it's home. I'm not sure if I should have a water bowl or not due to how tiny it is, I'm afraid anything even if it's small, it might drown in it. That's how small it is. I just want to know if:

A. What kind of lizard is it.

B. Do you think it'll survive, it hasn't tried to eat the cricket I gave it, and it wouldn't eat the mealworms my friend gave it. Seems fairly active though, loves to sit on people's hands.

C. Should I keep it, or take it to pet store like PetCo and see if they can't figure something out.

My friend says there's like a pet store or something near where she works, and thinks maybe they're dumping animals that either they think won't sell, or won't survive. Or it could have escaped somehow, I don't know. Here's a picture of it, again it's MUCH smaller in life than in the pic. VERY VERY tiny, not even bigger than my pinky finger. We've named it Godzilla Napoleon. 'Cause it has a Godizilla/Napoleon complex, and doesn't seem to like males, I've noticed that. My friend's boyfriend tried to pick it up and it arched it's back and the tail kind of curved a bit at him. Haven't figured that one out.



Phoenix Gecko :)
its a Mediterranean house gecko
mine never would it so it would prob die
no petco wont want it they prob dont know what it is


New Member
Battle Ground, Wa
It is a house gecko. From the pic it looks to be a juvenile one.
How big are the crickets? Do you have any pin heads? When I was breeding them they loved pin heads. As for water if you have a small plant put it in it's enclosure and mist it they will lick the water from it. I have never seen one drink from a bowl.
Some PetCo's I have seen do carry them so it would not hurt to check with them.
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New Member
Southern USA
Hmm okay well I have small crickets, but PetCo doesn't really carry "pinhead" crickets, they just carry a mix from what I have seen. Some that are super super tiny pin heads, then others that are maybe a week old/still very small. I have no clue how big it will get, if it will get big, I'll keep misting the habitat, which it doesn't like, and see if he'll drink from the water on the paper towel like it was doing earlier. Has pretty nifty little eyes, they're golden or bronzed colored.


New Member
Battle Ground, Wa
Adults are normally about 5 inches. You really only need to mist it a couple times a day. They are a beautiful little lizard I really enjoyed them when I had them when they are warm and happy they like to bark.


Neo Starpphire Enigma
hes a cutey! we have a house gecko, and care is fairly simple- 5-10 gal tank ( preferebly tall because they have climbing toes) calcium dusted 1-2 of the tinest crickets possible a day ( any more and they will nibble the poor guys toes :( and sprits the tank with water 3 times a day- make sure you have a day lamp on 10 hours a day. they dont live long, about 3-5 years, and they grow fast, to about 5 inches snout to vent. not much on handleing either- however, the funniest little guys to watch eat! anyway, if you keep him, these are just some tips ( doing this for my 5 year old to teach him responsability)


Desert Snow Gecko
Mesa AZ
My kids catch those all the time.. they will also eat SUPER TINY meal worms if tong fed... but they have to get used to you first.... and they like roaches too!


New Member
Southern USA
I may be going to the pet store tomorrow, about to be out of crickets, AGAIN LOL. Jethro's a PIG (bearded dragon). I got a 100+36 crickets just a little over a week ago, and just about out now *sigh*... oh well, that's life right? Merlin has not been eating as much, and not eating crickets again. He goes through the random phases of "I want them" or "I don't want them". He's in the "NO CRICKETS" for now. Hope it's not a permanent thing. I'm going to see if he'll eat the mini mealworms they have at PetCo for Godzilla.

For Merlin: I think he's just getting to that stage in his life where he only eats every other day, or I'm hoping that's the case. He's still active, and licking his calcium powder as needed, just doesn't want his actual food every day like when he was younger. Every other day though, BAM he goes for it usually. (this has been going on for about a week/ish now)

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