That is a superworm! Thier shells are alittle thinner than mealworm shells and can bite. Several of my praying mantids were bitten by them, one lost a finger (Tarsi). they are very good feeders. I only give them to my older girls and will try them on my geckos.
I recently bought some small superworms (about 1" long) for my Leo and she LOVES them. I often come home to her standing on top of her worm dish waiting for me to give her some. They will likely become a permanent staple in her diet as long as they keep for a reasonable amount of time like mealies do.
I love superworms, way more than mealworms. They keep for months, won't pupate unless you meet their very specific needs (therefore, won't if you have them all in a bin), and are nice and meaty. My geckos and chameleons love them.
I have always fed superworms (large ones) to my blue tongued skink and now to my beardie. I'd like to purchase smaller ones for my leo's though. My large supers last for months so that's good. My question is, if I buy small ones for my leo's how fast do they grow? How long until they are large?
I haven't purchased small superworms in years, everyone in my house eats large, but I think they take several weeks to reach full size. I'm sure if you Google how to breed them there is possibly some growth chart out there somewhere.