yeah I suck at pics but her eyes are really dark compared to my other trempers. her parents are tremper, dad poss het raptor and mother is his daughter thats what made me wonder but ill agree that she does not look eclipse to me. maybe she has an infection? Ive never had that so have no experience with that. I need to get a better pic, ill work on it tomorrow, here is a few others tho.Thanks
Doesnt look like any kind of infection to me. has there ever been any noticeable discharge coming out? I agree that they just look like tremper eyes to me, but youll want more experienced advice to be sure.
But they look nice and wicked to me =)
thet just honestly look like normal tremper eyes and the genetics confirms it. . the shade of the eye can vary a lot, Some tremoers gave really bright albino eyes some just a bit. thats why some raptors have really nice ruby eyes and some have such dark eyes that it almost looks black.
it varies.