What kind of frog is this?


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl

So, what kind of frog is this? I found it in my reptile room! lol, I think that is hilarious. I have no idea how it even got into the house.

I tried to research it online, but I cant tell if it is a northern leopard frog, or a southern leopard frog or something else?
From what I can tell he should eat crickets, worms, fruit flies, etc. Allow for a large body of water for his body to submerge, flowers and logs to hide in, etc. And at least 2" of substrate to burrow.

Thanks for any more information you can provide!

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Looks like it could be either a Barking tree frog (Hyla gratiosa) or a Cuban tree frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis). An easy way to tell is to gently but firmly rub the skin on top of it's head, if the skin doesn't move you have a Cuban, if it does you have a Barker.

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