What male do I want??



Hi there!

I need some advice on what direction to go with my breeding project. I just got my first four geckos in January. Boy do I love them!!:D

I have 2 that are hypo tangerine het bell and two are tangerine het rainwater and 66% patternless. There are so many morphs out there and I don't know what to cross with what to get anything. Please know that I do understand simple genetics, I just don't know what is dominate and recessive in the gecko world.

I would really like to get some tangerine bells, (hybinos?), but other than that I just know what direction to take. I plan on attending some area shows this spring and summer to look for males, so any help would be appreciated!

[F]Proud mother of 3 kidlets (12, 10, 17mo), 3 cats, 2 dogs and 4 geckos![/FONT]:main_thumbsup:


New Member
suziq324 said:
Hi there!

I need some advice on what direction to go with my breeding project. I just got my first four geckos in January. Boy do I love them!!:D

I have 2 that are hypo tangerine het bell and two are tangerine het rainwater and 66% patternless. There are so many morphs out there and I don't know what to cross with what to get anything. Please know that I do understand simple genetics, I just don't know what is dominate and recessive in the gecko world.

I would really like to get some tangerine bells, (hybinos?), but other than that I just know what direction to take. I plan on attending some area shows this spring and summer to look for males, so any help would be appreciated!


[F]Proud mother of 3 kidlets (12, 10, 17mo), 3 cats, 2 dogs and 4 geckos![/FONT]:main_thumbsup:

Split them into het bell and het rainwater get a bell tangerine or a bell hypo to go with the het bells and get a rainwater tangerine or rainwater hypo to go with the het rainwater i think would be the best way to go you don't want to breed a bell to a rainwater strain as it will not really benifit you.Example bell X rainwater = normal het bell & rainwater so you will have to wait longer to get your hybino AKA albino hypo's.
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New Member
suziq324 said:
I would really like to get some tangerine bells, (hybinos?)
Well, in my opinion that's the best direction you can go with your hypo tangerines het bell. Crossing your females with a bell hybino male you would get 50% bell albinos and 50% would be non-albinos but het for bell. Considering the coloration of your tangerines and the hybino they all would probably be quite hypo and tangerine, although that is impossible to predict.

For your rainwaters I would get a rainwater patternless albino male. This way you will prove your females to be het for patternless or not, and will get rainwaters as well. If you want to improve the tangerine coloration of the offspring too, I would pick a RWPA with an intense body color and carrot tail.

After proving your females being het patternless or not, there's another option apart from the RWPA project (I would go for this if one of the females seems not to be het) and are rainwater tangerines or rainwater hybinos (Firewaters), just in case you want to use the tangerine coloration of your geckos.


Thanks Gazz,

I have them separate already. I had planned on having two different projects going. I know that the three albino strains are not compatible. I just didn't know if I should just breed for the tangerine, or go for the albinos too. I really like the tangerine bells that I have seen, but I'm not sure what make a tangerine bell.

If I get a male that is tangerine het bell, wouldn't I get 25% tangerine 50% tang het bell, and 25% bell?? Or do I need to get a bell albino?


New Member
suziq324 said:
Thanks Gazz,

I have them separate already. I had planned on having two different projects going. I know that the three albino strains are not compatible. I just didn't know if I should just breed for the tangerine, or go for the albinos too. I really like the tangerine bells that I have seen, but I'm not sure what make a tangerine bell.

If I get a male that is tangerine het bell, wouldn't I get 25% tangerine 50% tang het bell, and 25% bell?? Or do I need to get a bell albino?

Yep on paper that's the way it work either a visual bell or a 100% het bell both will result in bell's and very possibly bell hybino's.Seeing what Sandra wrote it didn't click for me at the time yes get a patternless rainwater :main_yes: :main_thumbsup: .


Gazz said:
Yep on paper that's the way it work either a visual bell or a 100% het bell both will result in bell's and very possibly bell hybino's.Seeing what Sandra wrote it didn't click for me at the time yes get a patternless rainwater :main_yes: :main_thumbsup: .

Then if I get a bell albino, my babies would be 25% tang het bell and 75% bell??:main_huh:

And on the patternless, do they come in the hybinos as well?? I have seen RW with the tangerine color.....



New Member
suziq324 said:
Then if I get a bell albino, my babies would be 25% tang het bell and 75% bell??:main_huh:

And on the patternless, do they come in the hybinos as well?? I have seen RW with the tangerine color.....


A bell X het bell = 50%bell & 50%het bell.

As for the patternless.Hybino rainwater maybe possible but the percent of getting them maybe low.What you want if you can find one is a patternless albino with hypo ancestry the mum or the dad better still in both.That will grater you chance of a rainwater hybino_Other than that it will have to be a surprise box :D every time you open the incubaitor :main_thumbsup: .


New Member
420Geckos said:
I don't want to be a downer, but if you've only kept leos for a month or two I think you ought to just concentrate on successfully keeping them alive and healthy before trying to breed them.

Check out this post... http://www.geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=4184

It should help you out...

I do have to agree if you have no other reptile experience other that the 4 leo's please what and research for at least around 2 years before getting into breeding.


420Geckos said:
I don't want to be a downer, but if you've only kept leos for a month or two I think you ought to just concentrate on successfully keeping them alive and healthy before trying to breed them.

Check out this post... http://www.geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=4184

It should help you out...

Thanks Felicia!

I appreciate your concern about inexperienced breeders and people in it for money. I know that this is not going to be a "money maker". That's not what I am interested in. I have never had reptiles before, but my best friend and his dad have been breeding snakes and lizards for a long time as a hobby and they have both volunteered to answer my questions and help me when I need it. I also have a local reptile store that has been very helpful with supplies and advice. They also recommended a herp vet that is local to me.

I used to raise sheep in 4H and I had them until I was 21. I also had them again for a year with my son, before we moved to home where we couldn't keep them. Sheep take a lot of time, a lot of space, and they eat a lot. But they each had their own personality and it was always so exciting when the babies came (usually at 2 or 3 in the morning :) ) I really missed having that interaction with my animals and the excitement of what the babies might look like.

When I I first found out about leopard geckos I was so excited. I had found a way to have the excitement of having a breeding project and figuring out what parents to use to get the best babies. But geckos take up significantly less space and their food is much cheaper than hay and grain. I do have a full time job and I have three kids. But my kids love the geckos, and they enjoy helping me with them as well. Especially my girls! :D My geckos are my pets first & foremost. They all have names; Okelani, Alani, Anani & Kumu. They are all Hawaiian names with significant meanings.

I'm not getting a male right now, but I plan on getting one later this year, so I can breed next year. I have done my research on what I will need to keep my eggs warm and healthy, so I will be prepared to keep my hatchlings nice and toasty!

I do appreciate your concern, but I hope that I have alleviated some of that by sharing with you my information and plans for my project.


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
suziq324 said:
Hi there!

I need some advice on what direction to go with my breeding project. I just got my first four geckos in January. Boy do I love them!!:D

I have 2 that are hypo tangerine het bell and two are tangerine het rainwater and 66% patternless. There are so many morphs out there and I don't know what to cross with what to get anything. Please know that I do understand simple genetics, I just don't know what is dominate and recessive in the gecko world.

I would really like to get some tangerine bells, (hybinos?), but other than that I just know what direction to take. I plan on attending some area shows this spring and summer to look for males, so any help would be appreciated!

[F]Proud mother of 3 kidlets (12, 10, 17mo), 3 cats, 2 dogs and 4 geckos![/FONT]:main_thumbsup:
Personally I would try and find a nice Tangerine or Hypo Bell for the two Het Bells. You can also get away with a Tangerine or Hypo Het Bell Male. For the two Het Rainwaters, I would find a Rainwater Albino het Patternless or a Patternless Rainwater Albino to try and prove out the Patternless in the Females. Steve Sykes from Gecko Setc has some nice Patternless Rainwater Albinos for $100 and less http://www.geckosetc.com/htm/available_pattalbino.htm

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