What morph do I have


New Member
United States
So i bought a female leopard gecko at the White Plains reptile show this past weekend (in addition to the other two I bought lol) and it was marked as a super snow and was $40. The person selling it focused more one snakes/frogs one of those two. So he only had a handful of leos. I know its usually not good to buy from these kinds of breeders, but I handled the girl and she was so calm and sweet. Looked health on the outside and has been very great about moving around and being active now that she is home. When I got her home I inspected her more and noticed her eyes are not black, but rather blood red, like some of the nicest eclipse eyes Ive seen in person. So then I realized what the hell, this is not a SS, its a galaxy. Then I looked at photos online and saw that SS still have black spots on their backs(which i should have noticed way earlier but i was so excited at the reptile show when I read the label for her). Her back does not have black spots, rather light tan dots. Basically, I messed up and bought a gecko that was not a SS, atleast not just a SS. I really want to know what morph she is as it could be something really cool and unique. In any case, she was $40 and had a great personality, If i dont know her genetics I will try to prove it out or keep her as a pet and breed her for pet only geckos


sorry the photo is small

Music City Geckos

New Member
The picture is way too small to know for sure but, it does look like an albino SS. Which albino I have no idea though. Maybe a better pic will help.


New Member
United States
i will take a better picture when I get home, but after doing some more reading, the red eyes are probably due to the albino and not eclipse. I am looking at photos online and I think it may be bell. I will take a much closer photos to get your opinions. If it is bell then I will need to be more dillegent about keeping her line separate from my others as I have some RAPTORs/het RAPTORs which i cannot cross with.

If she is SS bell what would be the going price on her?

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
She does look like an albino SS to me. The solid red eyes are probably not due to eclipse. SS have solid eyes many times, and the albino makes them red.

You won't be able to tell the strain of albinism from just looking at her. I would recommend just keeping her as a pet (definitely don't breed her to any other albinos) unless you can contact the breeder and find out.

I don't know too much about pricing, but if you don't know the strain of albinism than the price will not be very high.


New Member
United States
IMG_3240.jpg IMG_3241.jpg IMG_3242.jpg IMG_3243.jpg
Here are some more photos. It's upsetting that It didnt have the full genetics written down because she would be great to breed into certain projects. I will be trying to find the breeder, but i dont remember his name/the company name. so i'll have to just go down the vendor list one by one and hope he remembers and knows the genetics. Any who, idk if there are any genetics tests that I could have done to check all her traits. from my understanding geckos dont really have genetic testing on a commercial level yet.


New Member
She is very pretty and I would say a good price for her at a show.

It is hard to remember to get all the info when your buying, I get excited and forget to ask.

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
I take it back, I do believe she's an eclipse due to the white feet and nose.

It's a shame you don't know which strain of albinism she is. You have an albino galaxy there.


New Member
United States
I emailed the coordinator of the White Plains reptile show and asked for a map of where each vendor was. If not, I'll be calling every single one. If this is an albino galaxy I hit the jackpot. I am only praying for her to be tremper so that I can breed her with a RAPTOR. It was really my fault for not looking at her more closely at the show and asking then and there, but as I said I was so excited. I giant norm male who is a grandson of Godzilla so im trying to get him to make some giants with hets

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