that is the same colour as my crested gecko, but he has like dark brown/black sides and a slightly darker cream on top, what morph is this, ill try and upload some photos but im not making any promises as my camera isnt uploaded pictures at the moment for some reason.
Make him a little sauna to get him fired up all you do is take like a tupperware container with a few holes in the top for air and take a few pieces of paper towels and get them wet with warm and when I mean warm like luke warm nothing hot just WARM and wring the paper towel out to where it is damp not sopping wet and is still warm then put him/her in the tupperware with the towel for a few minutes and he will fire up
okay I tried to get some more pictures. I don't know if he's fired up, I sprayed him and then left him in a dark box and he came out darker, but i don't think he's fully fired up.