I am very new and just looking to get into the hobby. I recently saw an ad and only have one photo, the owner hasn't responded with what morph this is, and being new I cannot identify it myself.
I know the picture isn't great but thanks for any info!
Alright cool, thanks for the quick response.
The owner said he (or she, for all i know) is eating crickets, can you easily change that to a diet of meal worms? I would like to avoid crickets.
Also, what value would one place on a morph like this?
The gecko is about 4 years old, and seeing as I am new, I have a question, can a gecko that old still breed? and what is normal breeding ages?
I agree, the Leo looks like a SHT... possibly a SHTCT? Not really sure, due to the poor pic. Hopefully, if you get it, you can post a better one, and we'll be able to help you more. As for a value... it depends. From a breeders stand point, I can't help you. But, from a pet owner stand point... to me, there is no value... they're priceless. I love all my pets, and wouldn't be able to put a price on them. Hah!
As for breeding, (s)he should be old enough to breed, being 4 years old. However, I think it would also depend on his/her health and weight.
If I can offer some advice, it would be: Don't bother breeding the leo until you learn all you can about genetics and morphs. There's way to many people producing geckos that haven't a clue on what they're doing, nor can they provide the necessary genetic information that a potential customer needs. I'm not new to geckos, but I'm new to genetics... and, believe me, there's a lot to learn. I'm no where near ready to start breeding geckos at this point. I'm content with just enjoying them as pets for the time being.
Best of luck with the gecko, if you get it. They're very addictive. LOL!