she looks somewhat like a tangerine imo.... if you could get a shot that includes her eyes, or even just a bit more of a close up, it would really help! PS, how old is she?
she definitely looks like she could possibly be tangerine, but (no offense intended) she seems a little underweight for her age. if you fatten her up a little, she may be healthier, and in turn her colors could get much brighter! the orange leo in my avatar was underweight when I got him, and was almost the exact color as your girl! once he fattened up, his colors popped!
well seeing her age, she could probably eat much more then that! I have an 8 mo. old that eats twelve a day! I recommend putting around 15 worms in her bowl a day, and whatever she doesn't eat by the next day take out of the bowl, and refill the bowl with fresh mealworms. this helps my geckos gain weight because they can eat as much as they want throughout the day without over eating! I hope this helps!
well there are two kinds of calcium that are essential to your geckos health. you need calcium with d3 to dust every feeding, and calcium without d3 to leave in a small bowl or bottle cap in their tank 24/7 so they can have access to it if they feel they need it without overdosing on d3. even though they can be pricy, the calcium will keep your leos alive! plus it lasts a long time! ive had the same jar for 3 yrs while dusting all of my reptiles food, and that's a lot! (look at my signature). so twenty dollars now = no 200 dollar trip to the vet for a calcium deficiency later on!