I took in four leopard geckos from a younger girl. She had several (20ish) geckos living in a 3-way split 90 gallon tank (part where two bearded dragons lived in!). 4 males on one side, and a dozen females on the other side. She had them with woodchips, and no heating. Anyway, I wanted to know what morphs they are, if any. I decided to keep one of the males as I've fallen for him, and named him Bizzard. The other three are a male, and two females. One of the females is really thin unfortunately. I'm feeding her a lot, giving proper heating and hoping she'll put on a bit of weight.
Female 1:
Female 2:
Both females:
My male, Blizzard:
Female 1:
Female 2:
Both females:
My male, Blizzard: