What morphs to get next?


New Member
I'm going to be heading the reptile breeder's expo in toronto in about a month, and either there or at our local montreal expo I'll be expanding my leo collection (well--getting another two).

As I'm a beginner breeder looking to get the basics down (and also making some interesting morphs) I was wondering what everyone thought would be good morphs to get.

I currently have

-1 high yellow female
-1 unsexed (it's too young--I'll know by the expo though hopefully) animal that from our best genetics guessing is Enigma het tremper (father was an enigma sunglow, mother a wild type).

What two geckos would you add to this to start a very small breeding colony?

Pic of the little guy/girl---if anyone's got any better guesses as to what s/he is---I'd be thankful
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