What % outcomes...


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
Mack snow possible het diablo blanco X Super snow possible het tremper albino.
Not sure about ether ones het. So if you guys could give me the outcomes if one or other is possible het, or both are hets that would be awesome! If one is het it wouldn't show would it? I would have to breed hatchling back correct?


New Member
Berkeley, CA
Poss het diablo blanco means that it's poss het tremper, poss het eclipse, and poss het blizzard which means that if you do all possible outcomes of hets- you got 8 possible combinations for the hets of the het diablo blanco (het tremper, eclipse, blizzard; het tremper, eclipse; het tremper, blizzard; etc...) and 2 possible combinations for the hets of the het tremper (het tremper or not), for a total of 16 different parent het combos. That's a big mess. And I don't think anyone is willing to do that. You should do some research and check out:

Morph and Genetics 101 and Genetics Wizard

I'll help you out with these though:

Mack Snow het Diablo Blanco x Super Snow het Tremper

37.5% Snow 66% het Tremper
12.5% Snow Tremper
37.5% Super Snow 66% Tremper
12.5% Super Snow Tremper
all 50% het Eclipse and Blizzard

Mack Snow x Super Snow

50% Snow
50% Super Snow

Now you just got 14 more to do... Good Luck
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Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
I was told the mack snow is actually triple het. I am just being a skeptic and saying possible het. Does that change %s?


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
Reason I feel its possible het is payed 90 for her and it seems diablo blancos sell for a lot. Who knows maybe she is really triple het diablo blanco. (waiting for car repairs hence the quick responses)


New Member
Berkeley, CA
I was told the mack snow is actually triple het. I am just being a skeptic and saying possible het. Does that change %s?

That was my point-

If it is actually 100% triple het then look at the first outcome. Triple het and poss het are NOT the same thing. Triple het means that they in fact ARE het for DB, but since DB is 3 separate genes (tremper, eclipse, and blizzard) you cannot treat it as one het, THUS it is triple het.

And yes that will change the outcome, because now instead of having 16 possible het combos, you just have 2. Do you know if the SS is actually het for Tremper, or is that a just poss het?
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