You shouldn't breed the male and female you have together because the male may be het tremper and the bell female is a different albino strain. Mixing the strains is highly frowned upon by hobbyists.
My suggestion would be a nice SHTCTB female to go with the SHTCTB male. You could get a SHTCTB het Tremper female, that way you'll have a chance of getting both SHTCTB's and tremper albinos / sunglows.
For the female, that's a nice looking bell. Definitely get a male bell albino, radar (bell albino eclipse), eclipse het bell, or bell het eclipse. You can then work towards producing your own radars. Or if you like to add mack snow into your bell project, get a mack snow bell albino female, het eclipse if you like.
I like what online said about the bell and shtctb , however I would bred the shtctb to a sunglow. It would produce shtctbs and possibly sunglows if it's a het. At worst you get shtctb het for sunglows.
I like what online said about the bell and shtctb , however I would bred the shtctb to a sunglow. It would produce shtctbs and possibly sunglows if it's a het. At worst you get shtctb het for sunglows.
The whole point on us suggesting to get another male and female to pair to the male and female you already have was so you dont mix the albino straines together. Please do not breed a tremper(or het tremper) to a bell(or het bell).. it it strongly discouraged is it muddies the waters