What should I pair up for breeding?


New Member
New Hampshire
Okay now that I have an idea of what I have. I would like to know what combos I can put together. I have 16 total right now. Here is what I have; 2 Super Hypo Tangerines, Red eye enigma, snow, albino leucistic, raptor, blizzard, 3 Albinos. Diablo Blanco, Dark Tremper Albino, Normal, Hypo w/tangerine, and two enigmas which are pictured up top in pictures 2 and 3. I am getting a 25 bin breeder rack that is being assembled. I just have to wait on the shipping. What would be some recommended other geckos to get for these ones or what would be good to pair up?
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New Member
New Hampshire
Sorry. The girls are: Normal, both hypo tangerines, albino leucistic, diablo blanco,2 of the albinos,blizzard and the red eye enigma. The males i have are as followed: The snow, albino, both enigmas, dark tremper albino and the hypo w/ tangerine.

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
I would suggest not breeding the enigmas. I would also suggest not breeding anymore than two females if all you have is a 25 tub hatchling rack. If you bred all your geckos, you would need at least 3 of those racks. Are you planning on keeping sll of them because some of the geckos you will produce are going to be very hard to get rid of. Theres not a lot of demand for most of the morphs you have and if nobody has heard of you, its very hard to sell them. You dont want to get stuck with a ton of babys to feed, it gets expensive! So I would pick the top two projects you like and go with them. For your first time breeding leopard geckos, two will be enough. Good luck.
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