I was kind of given him because he was the smallest and not doing well. He's doing great now, but I was only told they had a baby albino for me. So I'm not sure what he is. His eyes are bright red/pink I'll get a picture.
I was kind of given him because he was the smallest and not doing well. He's doing great now, but I was only told they had a baby albino for me. So I'm not sure what he is. His eyes are bright red/pink I'll get a picture.
Yup that definitely looks like a Bell eye to me. No way to know if he's more than one type of albino at the same time though. Not likely but definitely possible. Where'd you get him from?
I think he's bell too. He's getting the dots and spots like a bell. Thanks for your help!
I don't think different strains of albino can be bred together withoit getting all normals.
Yeah they'll produce normals the first time around but if bred back to an albino can produce a seriously genetically muddy gecko. That's why its recommended that if you don't know the exact genetic background of your geckos you're better off not breeding them and picking up some higher quality stock.