what substrate with UTH?



I have an 18x18 size tank. I picked up a zoomed UTH (it says it's for 30gal, but it fits on 1/2 of the tank. I have not installed it yet because the directions said not to use paper towels and other similar products as a substrate when using the UTH. So, my noob questions of the day is:

What substrate should I use with the UTH? I know sand is not good because it can cause health problems. So, what should I be using with this?



Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I haven't had any trouble with paper towels or carpet over a Zoo Med UTH. If it's hot enough to light the towel on fire it's too hot for your gecko.


I haven't had any trouble with paper towels or carpet over a Zoo Med UTH. If it's hot enough to light the towel on fire it's too hot for your gecko.

LOL...I was planning on setting my tank up with paper towels and the hides and such and turning the UTH on. I don't have a thermostat yet. will I need to turn the UTH off to prevent it from getting too hot? I don't have my Leo yet...just trying to prepare his home to be before I get him.


I haven't had any trouble with paper towels or carpet over a Zoo Med UTH. If it's hot enough to light the towel on fire it's too hot for your gecko.

This may sound like a silly question, but how many layers of paper towel is ideal as a substrate?


The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
i use 1 and a second layer under hides as it gets hotter in a hide than on the floor outside of a hide

and no question is silly its good ure asking questions ;)


New Member
I have seen Zoo Med UTH's get very hot so be sure to use a thermometer with a probe right on top of the substrate over the UTH. A thermostat is not necessary but makes life much easier for keeping stable temps, but a cheaper option is a rheostat or a lamp dimmer from a hardware store which does the same thing, you will just have to adjust it as the temperature in the room goes up and down. Just make sure to measure the floor temps in some way.


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
i shouldnt think that a uth would pass regulations if it set fire to whats inside a tank

LOL...I was planning on setting my tank up with paper towels and the hides and such and turning the UTH on. I don't have a thermostat yet. will I need to turn the UTH off to prevent it from getting too hot? I don't have my Leo yet...just trying to prepare his home to be before I get him.

I use one layer of paper towel in my 10 gallons, with an 8W exo-terra UTH.

The flash point of paper is around 350F, so your gecko will be cooked long before the paper reaches its flash point.


I have seen Zoo Med UTH's get very hot so be sure to use a thermometer with a probe right on top of the substrate over the UTH. A thermostat is not necessary but makes life much easier for keeping stable temps, but a cheaper option is a rheostat or a lamp dimmer from a hardware store which does the same thing, you will just have to adjust it as the temperature in the room goes up and down. Just make sure to measure the floor temps in some way.

I plan to get a thermostat. I don't think I need a proportional thermostat, but I will be getting a basic thermostat. Going shopping for one tomorrow actually.


I use one layer of paper towel in my 10 gallons, with an 8W exo-terra UTH.

The flash point of paper is around 350F, so your gecko will be cooked long before the paper reaches its flash point.

Thanks for the reassurance. I was mainly concerned because the UTH's directions said you shouldn't...but since everyone says it's ok...that's what I did. I have the tank set up and the heat on.

How long should I expect for the tank to heat up to a proper temp with just a UTH?

Thanks to everyone for the helpful insight. I can't wait to get our little guy/gal.


New Member
I plan to get a thermostat. I don't think I need a proportional thermostat, but I will be getting a basic thermostat. Going shopping for one tomorrow actually.

Basic on/off stats work fine, I have one I used b4 I bought my herpstat and it was just fine, I just like new toys and had to have a proportional stat.

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