I just found one of my Roaches with this thing coming out of it. This is my first time dealing with roaches so I really have no clue what is going on. I hope she will be ok.
HAHAHAHAHAHA oh god, when I read the title to this thread I nearly died laughing Brandy!
If they are an egglaying species, this is possibly an egg capsule that they deposit that holds hundreds of eggs and will in a couple of months hatch into baby roaches! If this is live bearing roach then that means that is infertile babies that she is just popping out.
It looks more like an egg capsule to me, but the picture is kinda blurry
Hahahahahaah! Thank you so Much Desire! I did not realize they laid capsules! I was expecting just a little pile of round eggs or something, not something that looked like aliens came and gave my roach an anal probe! They are dubias so they do lay eggs so I guess that it what it is! lol
Brandy, that's the egg case. Dubias will keep the egg case inside their bodies until the babies hatch out; which will seem like live-birth. They are extruding and rotating the egg case to get air, I think. Don't disturb them when they're doing this, they might drop it. If its dropped, then the babies won't hatch out.
Ah, forgot to mention, after they'd extended their egg case, they'll retract it back into their body until the babies hatch. I'm not sure how long this takes, but you'll see babies soon.