What to choose?


New Member
Southern California
So the opportunity has opened up for me to get a new breeding group (1.2 or 3). I'm wanting to add something else to my gecko family, though I'm not thinking of spending an arm and a leg here. I have my snows that I work with, as well as my super hypos and Trempers. Obvious that I'm a small-time breeder, huh? lol.

I'm thinking of RAPTORs or Sunglows...and dare I say...I might even consider Bell morphs (though I'm usually a Tremper fan). I would think that adding RAPTORs to my bunch will add eclipse into my available gene pool, and therefore work that into my snows somewhere down the line.

I've thought of Blizzards, though they don't thrill me as much...I feel as if I would be back in with Patternless, of which I got out of earlier this year. Sure, it would add even more genes, but I'm not feeling it. Same goes for Bolds/Stripes/Bandits.

Lastly, considering Giants/Super Giants. But if I were to get into those, I would need to spend more per gecko to get what I want. Could be worth it in the end.

*sigh* So many morphs! Not enough space! lol

So I guess what I'm asking here, is for some opinions.


New Member
Personally, I'd go with the Raptors. As you said, it would add Eclipse to your gene pool, and widen your options for your other groups. I'm doing something similar with Snows, Snow Bells/Radars, and Tang. & Redstripe Bells/Radars.


New Member
Southern California
So the opportunity has opened up for me to get a new breeding group (1.2 or 3). I'm wanting to add something else to my gecko family, though I'm not thinking of spending an arm and a leg here. I have my snows that I work with, as well as my super hypos and Trempers. Obvious that I'm a small-time breeder, huh? lol.

I'm thinking of RAPTORs or Sunglows...and dare I say...I might even consider Bell morphs (though I'm usually a Tremper fan). I would think that adding RAPTORs to my bunch will add eclipse into my available gene pool, and therefore work that into my snows somewhere down the line.

I've thought of Blizzards, though they don't thrill me as much...I feel as if I would be back in with Patternless, of which I got out of earlier this year. Sure, it would add even more genes, but I'm not feeling it. Same goes for Bolds/Stripes/Bandits.

Lastly, considering Giants/Super Giants. But if I were to get into those, I would need to spend more per gecko to get what I want. Could be worth it in the end.

*sigh* So many morphs! Not enough space! lol

So I guess what I'm asking here, is for some opinions.
I love raptors and eclipse. I would go with them, I'm breeding a bunch of different types at the moment. I have a tangerine eclipse 100% het raptor and she's been giving 1 eclipse and 1 raptor for each clutch so far :) its cool to get a variety from her...im very happy she proved out, she gives beautiful offspring. I saw your from southern California ! so am I !


New Member
Raptor will do you well, but don't be afraid to work with bells and rainwaters. Some of the new exciting combos are being worked on with the rainwater in the recent years. The possibilities are endless so I always advocate going with what interests you and draws you in. It's a lot more fun when you are working with what you personally like.

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