What to do? please help


New Member
hey guys

some of you may have read my post about my little girl now being very well :( well it has came to the worst possibility :( she is eating very little, you may as well say nothing, and the weight is just not going on, she is sooooo skinny and i think enough is enough.... :main_no:

we had her at the specialist but he has tried more or less everything, she just wont eat, we even tried baby food but that was a no go. i think it is time to let her go, her little head is all sunk in and its not right to keep her suffering anymore

i hate to ask but wat is the best way to let her go? our vets is not open due to it being a bank holiday and i honestly dont think she could keep it up any more :( what can i do??


New Member
Hunters get a bad rap a lot of times because we "kill" animals. Really the hardest part is putting a wounded animal down so it does not suffer. It's not a pleasant thing to do even for a hunter.

So what I am about to tell you might be hard....... but it is the quickest way.

You will have to take something hard and round. A hard but limber stick off a tree would be OK (not one that is rotten and will not break) . Then you have to strike the Gecko behind the head ( at the neck ) hard enough to break it's spine.

I know this may sound cruel to some but it's a humane and quick way to put one down.

I suggest if you can't do it yourself........ is get someone else.
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New Member
IronGecko, Thanks for the PM, i think i will do it that way, but i will see if i can read anything more about that method first.


New Member
ok. I am curious about this. How would putting it in the freezer compare to the method above?

Good comment. It depends on the owner and how to put the animal down. You can freeze it or drown it....... both will work. What I posted is the quickest and what I believe to most painless. The flip side....... it's the hardest to do.

Her issue was not being able to have it euthanized by a professional which is considered or referred to as a happy death.

Putting an animal down is very hard for some and thus why I suggested to let someone else do it. ( for her peace of mind )
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New Orleans
Alright. The reason I asked was because I worked for a Mom and Pop for abotu 5 years, some people would bring use animals too far gone. The owner felt that the most painless way was the freezer. So I was just looking for a second opinion. Thanks


New Member
I thankfully have only had to cull 2 over the years and I was told by the vet that for reptiles the fridge then freezer was the most humane way...besides of course the injection


New Member
I don't see how someone can put something in the freezer, that is terrible. The same thing with drowning. Here's how I see it, you may look at it the same way.
I'd rather get shot in the face then drown or freeze to death, if the shooting happens and I don't see it then bam I'm just dead no pain or suffering at all. Don't torture that gecko by freezing or drowning that is just ugghh nevermind..


New Member
Thanks everybody for comments and messages. man this super is not easy at all, and it doesnt help being a big softy :( she is in her warm hide at the minute, i think when my bf comes back i will get him to put her to sleep.

thanks again everyone :(


New Member
I would think the fridge would take longer and be more painful. But I'm no expert.

OK...... look at it this way. A Gecko is an expert killer. What do you think happens when it's bites down on it's prey? It is breaking it's spine. I saw a video of a Gecko "shaking" a pinkie mouse fast, side to side. Same thing.... to break it's spine.

What I suggested is exactly what happens in nature. A snake does what sometimes. Suffocates it's prey. Thats why they are called "constrictors".

I think she made the right decision to let someone else put the animal down. To be honest...... I have to praise her for knowing when it's time to end the suffering!


New Member
If it is bad thn they made the right call for sure. It's never easy having to do stuff like this. I had to put down our Rottweiler 2 years ago then my male pitbull last year and it's not easy. We become so attached to our animals that they are family, like our children.
And to see them in pain and suffering is so hard on us. I praise you for doing the right thing, even tho it's not easy you know it's the right thing to do.


New Member
hey guys

Just to let you know, we eventially found a vet that was open today, and we had little Chili euthanised :( RIP little girl xxx :(

we arent gona be put off tho and do plan to buy another and a new tank also. Thanks for all the help concerning Chili, everything was very much appreciated


New Member
If you don't mind me asking what did the vet charge you to do that? I have no clue on herp vet prices I've never been to one. Sorry to hear about what happened


New Member
Wow that's more then I paid when we had to put our dog down last year.
You did the right thing tho, now your leo is in a better place chasing crickets everywhere..

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