What to look out for?


New Member
I figured this would be the best place to ask, sorry if I am wrong!

I'm going to be purchasing a leo from the reptile show a few weeks from now in my town. I'm terrified of getting an unhealthy little gecko (I have had it happen twice prior, completely heartbreaking, as I was very young and not experienced enough to save either of them-- I am much older now so I figured I would undertake the challenge again!)

So, you folkies of the genetic subforum, what are the "I shouldn't purchase this gecko" signs? I am aware of being really skinny/shaky as issues, but I'm wondering if any of these morphs have specific issues!
- Murphy Patternless
- Bell Albino
- Giants/Supers
- Raining Red

I know engimas tend to be a bucket full of issues, so I am avoiding them all together.
Thank you for your time, and I apologize if I am asking in the wrong place!

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